| Acceptance or Illusion |

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The commotion at home the next day caught my attention, and I quickly freshened up and put on my uniform before heading to the living room. It was filled with event organizers and their team, while the maids stood on the sidelines, watching. I joined them.

Just then, Devansh descended the stairs, clad in a grey suit that accentuated his handsome features along with his glasses and accessories, making him look both striking and powerful. As soon as his gaze met mine, I averted my eyes.

Devansh strode towards the manager stationed in the living room, his demeanor commanding yet composed. With precise instructions, he outlined his vision for the decorations, ensuring every detail was meticulously accounted for. It was evident that he held high standards, expecting nothing less than perfection to grace his home.

After concluding his instructions, Devansh left without a word or even a glance in my direction. I felt a strange disappointment in expecting anything different from him. Embarrassed by my own expectations, I was about to get back to work when Devansh returned and started walking towards me.

Seeing him coming towards me made my heart race, and I stood frozen like a statue. He came up to me, took my hand, and led me outside without a word. The decorators were shocked to see me being treated differently because of my uniform, and Devansh's unusual behavior only added to their surprise.

Devansh led me to the car, his demeanor commanding as always, and directed me to the backseat before taking his place on the opposite side. Despite his typical dominance, there was an air of calmness about him that felt out of character.

It left me wondering what could be stirring beneath his composed exterior, as his usual assertiveness seemed subdued. Perhaps there was more to his demeanor than met the eye, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me.

I had neither the desire nor the courage to ask him anything, so I sat quietly, staring out of the car window. Suddenly, the car stopped in front of a boutique shop.

Was Devansh taking me shopping? The thought seemed bizarre to me. Nevertheless, I got out of the car and followed him into the shop.

"Hi, Sir, how may I help you?" the shop assistant asked as she approached Devansh.

"Show us some party wear dresses," Devansh replied, still engrossed in his phone.

"Sure, sir. Who are they for?" the girl asked.

Devansh looked up from his phone, his intense gaze making the girl tremble. He then reached for my hand, pulling me closer to him, and said, "What kind of foolish question is that? My wife is here, so I'll be buying for her, won't I?"

I was taken aback when Devansh referred to me as his wife in front of stranger, something he had never done before. It stirred a strange feeling inside me, leaving me puzzled and unable to comprehend its significance.

The shop assistant fell silent, and her manager hurriedly came over, apologizing on her behalf. "I apologize, sir. She's new here and wasn't aware that this boutique is owned by you," he explained, his tone laced with urgency and regret.

Both the girl and I were shocked and exchanged a look of disbelief. The manager promptly instructed the girl to return inside, and she vanished from the scene.

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