| Unleashed Desire |

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Kusum and I emerged from the imposing office building, parting ways with a quick goodbye. Ahead, Michael awaited by the car, a familiar figure in his tailored suit and unyielding demeanor.

Approaching him briskly, I wasted no time. "Michael, I need to make a quick stop at the mall before heading home."

Michael, in his usual composed manner, replied respectfully but firmly, "I'm sorry ma'am, but I've been instructed clearly by sir to take you straight home from the office."

His words hit me like an unexpected obstacle in a well-planned journey. Shopping was suddenly off-limits, and my mind raced to comprehend why. Despite the setback, I gathered myself and persisted, "I really need to go. It won't take more than 30 minutes."

As I moved towards the car door with determination, Michael intercepted swiftly, opening the door and reiterating, "I apologize ma'am, but I cannot deviate from sir's instructions without permission."

Stepping back slightly, I looked at him squarely, a mix of frustration and resolve in my gaze. "One day, Michael, you'll realize blindly following sir's orders may not always be in your best interest." With those words hanging in the air, I retrieved my phone from my bag and dialed Devansh's number without hesitation.

"What kind of absurdity is this, Dev?" I exclaimed the moment Devansh answered the call.

A soft chuckle drifted from the other end before Devansh replied in an amused tone, "Tell me first, love, what have I done to earn such ire from you?"

I glanced towards Michael, frustration evident, and continued, "Michael is refusing to let me go to the mall. I need to do some shopping, and how dare you dictate my movements like this?"

Before Devansh could respond, a female voice interrupted, "Sir, it's time for your appointment."

Devansh swiftly replied, "Just a moment," then returned to our conversation. "Pass the phone to Michael."

I handed over the phone, and after their brief exchange, Michael returned it to me. I wasted no time in pressing him, "Where are you? What appointment is this?"

In a composed tone, Devansh explained, "I'll brief you later. For now, go ahead with your shopping. Michael will accompany you, and there should be no further disagreement."

Suppressing my smile, I relented, "Fine, okay."

"Take care, love," Devansh said warmly before I ended the call, a grin spreading across my face as I glanced at the phone screen, lost momentarily in thoughts of Devansh.

I heard Michael clearing his throat and turned to see him struggling to hide his amusement, as if I were an entertaining diversion.

Shooting him a stern look, I settled back into the car seat, already mentally composing my shopping list.

I swiftly selected some formal attire for myself and took the opportunity to shop for everyone else who needed something. A saree for Mom, a couple of smart outfits for Rahul, and then my attention was drawn to the ties – I couldn't resist picking out a few stylish ones for Devansh. An adorable dress for Anshika completed my shopping spree.

After collecting everything, I glanced at the clock and realized nearly two hours had flown by.

Approaching the counter, I handed over my card to the lady behind it. To my surprise, she smiled and said, "Ma'am, there's no need for payment."

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