| The Pledge of Redemption |

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In all my years, the thought of taking a life never crossed my mind, let alone such a despicable notion. I've never committed such a sin because to take a life is a grave deed. However, when faced with a predator like Nirav, a rapist, I harbor no remorse for his demise.

I was shocked when Devansh struck Nirav down, but I steadied myself. This world has proven itself unworthy of compassion, a truth I've come to understand alongside Devansh. He never showed me mercy, even when I was innocent. Nirav shattered lives, and for him, death was a punishment far too lenient.

"Devansh Bhai, spare me, please! I'm innocent, it was all Nirav's doing," Siddharth pleaded, his voice quivering as he sat bound to a chair, blood seeping from his hands onto the armrest.

"Don't you dare call me brother," Devansh growled, his voice thundering, causing me to instinctively take two steps back.

With the gun pressed against Siddharth's forehead, Devansh's voice thundered with rage, "She referred to you as a brother, didn't she? Do you even comprehend the true essence of brotherhood?"

As Devansh uttered those words, it felt as though the weight of his own actions was crushing him, as if guilt was clawing its way into his conscience. His gaze snapped to mine, and what I saw there shook me to my core.

Despite his blood-stained face, he remained eerily composed, unaffected by the crimson streaks adorning his features. But witnessing his unwavering demeanor, a wave of nausea washed over me, prompting me to instinctively look away.

The impact of the blow on Siddharth and the looming threat of death rendered him unconscious. Devansh swiftly removed the gun from Siddharth's forehead and strode towards me.

"Michael!" Devansh's thunderous voice pierced the air, summoning Michael to rush inside.

"Take him away. Once he regains consciousness, bring him back here. Ensure he receives proper care," Devansh instructed Michael, who wasted no time untying Siddharth's hands and leading him away.

As they departed, Devansh approached me, his blood-stained face a stark reminder of the violence that had just unfolded.

Sensing the gravity of the moment, Devansh paused, wiping his face with a handkerchief. Then, he turned to me, his intense gaze piercing through, silently demanding a response, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air.

Devansh stood before me, extending the gun in my direction. Stunned, I remained rooted to the spot, my eyes fixed on the weapon and Devansh's unwavering expression.

Without hesitation, Devansh moved closer, placing the gun in my trembling hand. The weight of it felt immense, heavier than mere metal, as if it carried the burden of justice itself.

"He deserves to face the consequences for what he did to my sister. Now, it's my turn," Devansh's voice cut through the tension, his eyes drilling into mine with intensity.

I looked away, grappling with the gun now clenched in my hand. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't entertained the idea of pulling the trigger, but my principles and upbringing wouldn't allow me to stoop to his level. I, too, sought justice for the wrongs inflicted upon me, but not at the expense of my own humanity.

In that intense moment, Devansh's resolve pierced through the air like a clarion call. As he clasped my trembling hand, placing the gun against his own chest, I was paralyzed by shock.

My mind raced, struggling to comprehend his actions. Why would he willingly embrace his own demise at my hands?

"Pari, today your suffering ends. I thought I could handle your hatred, but what I've done deserves more than just that. Your lifetime of animosity isn't enough," Devansh said firmly, his voice heavy with determination.

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