| Echoes of Distress |

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Just clearing up the confusion here: Devansh was aware of the rose petals, to which he has a mild allergy. However, he has a serious allergy to pecan nuts, which were mixed into the cake by Pari, and he didn't know about it. But everyone was confused whether he knew about it or not because he mentioned something about the cake. He assumed Pari had made the cake with love. How foolish of him, right? *hurt*

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The dread of snuffing out a life seized me with an iron grip, squeezing my soul with a vice-like force of guilt and remorse. My entire being felt paralyzed, as if encased in ice, rendering me incapable of even the simplest movements. Each breath I attempted to draw in felt like a monumental struggle, as if the air itself had turned viscous and resistant.

And amidst this suffocating fog of despair, one thought echoed relentlessly in my mind, a damning mantra that reverberated with each beat of my heart: "I've taken a life. I've taken Devansh's life." The weight of those words bore down on me like a leaden shroud, enveloping me in an impenetrable darkness from which there seemed to be no escape.

The resounding knock on the door shattered my reverie, my hands still trembling as I cautiously swung it open. Mukul welcomed me with an inviting smile, urging, "Bhabhi, come on, let's join the......"

But his words caught in his throat as he noticed Devansh's body lying on the floor. Shock washed over Mukul as he rushed to Devansh's side, kneeling beside him and gently rousing him, his voice filled with desperation. "Dev, Dev, open your eyes," he pleaded desperately.

I remained rooted in place, a silent observer to the unfolding tragedy. While Mukul checked Devansh's pulse, my own heart raced, a chilling fear taking hold. With trembling lips, I managed to ask, "Is he.....D...dead?"

Mukul's gaze snapped to mine, anger flaring in his eyes as he accused, "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes at his accusation, and I cast my gaze downward to conceal my emotions. Mukul lifted Devansh's body and carried him inside, heading towards Devansh's bedroom. Devansh hung limply in Mukul's arms, a tragic sight that left me feeling utterly helpless.

As if compelled by an invisible force, I found myself trailing Mukul's steps, each footfall echoing in the tense silence. When Mukul reached the stairs, all eyes snapped to the devastating sight of Devansh's lifeless form cradled in his arms, leaving everyone frozen in disbelief. Anshika, Rahul, and Reshma hurried to the stairs, their expressions mirroring the shock and horror etched on our faces. Together, we followed Mukul into Devansh's bedroom, where he gently lowered Devansh onto the bed, his movements both deliberate and gentle.

Anshika settled herself at the edge of the bed, positioning herself beside Devansh's head. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she softly uttered, "Mukul bhaiya, what's happened to bhaiya?"

"Ansh, please, try to pull yourself together. Dev needs us right now, please," Mukul's voice quavered, his own distress evident as tears welled in his eyes.

The sight of Devansh lying motionless on the bed, Anshika and Mukul's tear-streaked faces, Reshma's concerned gaze, and the worry etched on Rahul's features pressed heavily upon me, as if a weight had settled upon my chest.

Mukul swiftly removed Devansh's shirt, revealing a shocking sight that left me speechless.

Devansh's chest and arms adorned with angry red, swollen hives, accompanied by dark patches of rash on his neck, was a harrowing indication of a severe allergic reaction coursing through his body. Each welt and rash spoke volumes of the distress Devansh was experiencing, painting a stark picture of his suffering.

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