| Stolen Kiss |

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As I realize that nearly a month has passed since my wedding, a sense of disbelief washes over me. Only a few days remain until Ajit's return, oblivious to the fact that I've already tied the knot. A wave of apprehension consumes me as I pondered how to break this news to Ajit. Lost in my own thoughts, I'm abruptly brought back to reality by the sound of Devansh's voice echoing in my ears.

I bolted out of the room, rushing into the living room and standing there, trembling. Devansh swiftly approached, his voice booming, "Look at me."

His command shook me to the core, compelling my body to turn and face him. Yet, as our eyes locked, I saw nothing but sorrow and void in his gaze. Devansh's hand extended towards me, causing me to flinch, but he withdrew it, a fleeting shadow of sadness crossing his eyes.

Seating himself on the sofa, his tone softened as he announced, "We're hosting a party tomorrow. I hope you remember."

His unexpected shift in demeanor left me stunned, unable to comprehend. I simply nodded in response, "Yes, sir."

After that, Devansh became engrossed in his work, sitting on the sofa and poring over files. As I turned to head back to my room, a voice from behind caught my attention.

"Make tea for me," Devansh said in a casual tone.

I froze in place, shocked by his request. Collecting myself, I managed to make my way to the kitchen.

Why was I so surprised by a simple request for tea?

Perhaps because in this household, I was only permitted to clean, not to cook. Cooking had always been a passion of mine, but I had forgotten that since coming here, as I was sternly discouraged from entering the kitchen.

Maybe Devansh was afraid I would poison his food?

Lost in my thoughts, I brewed the tea and poured it into a cup. With cautious steps, I made my way back to the living room. But when I arrived, Devansh was nowhere to be seen.

My gaze drifted towards the study room on the first floor, its door slightly ajar. Quietly, I tiptoed towards it, the sound of my anklets echoing through the silent mansion.

As soon as I reached the door, I knocked, and a voice from inside said, "Come in."

I stood there, my heart racing, as I placed the cup on Devansh's table. "Your tea, sir," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. His calm demeanor felt like the eerie silence before a tempest, leaving me bracing for what might come next.

Devansh's demeanor left me puzzled; was he truly immersed in his work, or was it merely a facade?

His eyes flickered over the files, yet his mind seemed miles away.

Without lifting his gaze, he reached for the cup, only to accidentally knock the tea over. Panic surged through me, I was startled and rushed to Devansh, using my pallu to wipe his hand clean.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally left it there. Please forgive me, I made a mistake," I pleaded.

He looked at me, a hint of sadness still lingering in his eyes, the reason for which remained unknown to me. However, there was now a glimmer of amusement in his gaze. He gently took his hand back from mine and reassured me.

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