| Whispers from the Past |

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I was lying on my bed when a faint noise stirred me from sleep. Groggy and disoriented, I got up and walked towards the door, opening it to follow the sound that seemed to echo through the darkened house.

The entire place was shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the faintest hint of a sound. As I moved closer, the noise became clearer—a soft, rhythmic moaning that sent chills down my spine. My breath hitched, and a sweat broke out on my forehead.

My heart pounded, and I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes when I finally recognized the voices.

Devansh's voice. His deep, familiar tone intertwined with the unmistakable sound of a girl's moans.

Fear and disbelief gripped me, but I couldn't stop myself from moving forward. Each step felt like a lifetime until I reached the room.

What I saw made my blood run cold—Devansh and Natalia, standing so close it was as if they were the only two people in the world.

Devansh turned and saw me. Instead of pulling away, he smirked, bringing his face even closer to Natalia's.

Their lips were about to touch, and the betrayal in his eyes was a dagger to my heart.

"Nooooo!" I screamed, my voice shattering the silence.

In an instant, I jolted awake, my scream echoing in the room. It was just a dream, but the pain and fear lingered, wrapping around me like a dark, suffocating blanket.

"What happened, Pari?" Devansh asked, rushing in from the balcony and sitting beside me on the bed.

His hands were warm as he cupped my face, gently wiping away the tears I hadn't even realized were falling. "What happened, love?" he repeated, offering me a glass of water from the bedside table.

I took the glass, my hands trembling slightly as I sipped. Setting it back on the table, I gulped, trying to push the lingering nightmare out of my mind. I blinked rapidly, hoping to erase the haunting images, but the terror clung to me, bringing fresh tears to my eyes.

Suddenly, Devansh pulled me into a tight embrace, his hand soothingly rubbing my back. "Shhh, love. Please calm down. I'm here."

I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck, finding comfort in his familiar scent. Devansh continued to stroke my back patiently, his touch grounding me until I finally loosened my grip and pulled away.

He gently cupped my face again, searching my eyes. "What happened, love?"

My mind raced, and a sharp pain shot through my lower abdomen. Ignoring it, I looked at Devansh with tear-filled eyes.

He wiped my tears with his thumb and said, "Why are you crying, Pari? Please tell me. Are you still upset about yesterday? Please forgive me, love. I promise it won't happen again."

I shook my head, wiping my face with the back of my hand, trying to regain my composure. But another sharp pain struck, and I winced. Before I could say anything, Devansh spoke again.

"If this is about Natalia, don't worry. I've already dealt with her, Pari. Yesterday was just a moment of weakness, but I haven't forgotten her betrayal. She'll pay for everything."

Ignoring the pain, I looked at Devansh, confusion and fear mingling in my eyes. "What do you mean you dealt with her?"

His expression darkened, his voice cold and unforgiving. "She's in the basement with Ajit. My men are taking care of them. You don't have to worry about them anymore." He leaned in, kissing my forehead softly.

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