| Branded by Devansh |

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My eyes were filled with fear, but in Devansh's, I saw only hatred. Each moment passing made my life feel emptier, more desolate. Devansh took items from the cupboard, slamming it shut with force, his hand lingering on its surface.

Even though his back was turned to me, I sensed his contemplation. It was the first time I'd witnessed him pondering his actions.

A glimmer of hope arose within me, the chance to escape Devansh's punishment. Gathering my courage, I whispered, "Sir, please forgive me. I won't make this mistake again. I'll even remain silent unless necessary."

"Every word has consequences, and today, you'll feel the weight of yours," Devansh asserted firmly, his voice echoing with authority. My body trembled, and my breaths grew shallow.

"No, please, stay away," I pleaded, trembling. "Let me go. Don't subject me to this agony." But before I could finish, Devansh tore my dress apart, leaving me exposed in nothing but innerwear, clinging to me like a second skin due to the water.

In Devansh's eyes, alongside the anger, burned a fierce passion. Uncertainty flickered within him, yet his gaze remained fixed on me, from head to toe.

Moving purposefully, Devansh approached the table, his gaze unwavering as he reached for an ominous-looking device. Despite my silent prayers for reprieve, fate appeared to conspire against me. With a single press, he set the machine in motion, igniting the pen-like tip with a fiery red glow, casting an ominous light on our impending fate.

My heart sank into my stomach. I tried desperately to free my hands from the chair, but it was futile. Tears had stopped flowing from my eyes out of sheer fear, and my throat felt dry. Trembling, I pleaded, "Please, forgive me. I'll never make any mistake again. Please don't punish me."

Devansh, keeping his eyes fixed on mine, moved closer until his gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips and then to my chest, sending a chill down my spine. With a slight smirk, he said, "What's the matter, wifey? It's a time-honored tradition to mark one's territory, isn't it?"

I couldn't speak, my eyes fixed on the glowing machine, inches from my skin. Devansh placed his hand on my chest, near my heart, claiming ownership. "Your heart, my love. Today, I'll leave my mark," he declared.

Despite my bound hands, I continued to struggle, but it was in vain. Devansh held me firmly in place with one hand while the other moved forward to inscribe his initials on my chest. "No, no, you can't do this to me," I protested, my fear turning into anger as I found myself unable to control my words.

Devansh's sinister smirk deepened as he heard my pleas. "Oh, but I can, my love," he replied, his voice dripping with malice.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I watched in terror as the heated tattoo gun hovered mere inches from my skin. "Please, Devansh, have mercy," I pleaded, my voice quivering with fear.

But he paid no heed to my cries, his eyes filled with a chilling determination. "You've crossed a line, and now you'll face the consequences," he declared, his tone sending shivers down my spine.

I struggled against my restraints, desperation coursing through my veins. "I won't let you do this!" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with defiance.

Devansh's grip tightened around the machine as he drew closer, his face contorted with a cruel satisfaction. "Resistance is futile, my love. You're mine, and there's nothing you can do about it," he said, his words echoing in the silent room.

"I haven't done anything wrong. Let me go!" I pleaded, my voice cracking with desperation.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realised the depth of my predicament. Trapped and helpless, I could do nothing but watch in horror as Devansh prepared to mark me as his own.

The piercing scream tore through the air as the searing hot tip of the machine met my skin. I cried out in agony, the pain surging through me like a raging inferno. My throat burned with each scream, but the anguish on my skin was unbearable.

"No, please! How could you do this to me?" I pleaded, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger. "How can you be so heartless?"

But Devansh remained unmoved, his gaze steady as he continued his cruel act. With each stroke of the machine, my agony deepened, and I felt a part of me being etched away.

As the "D" took shape, Devansh's gaze bore into mine with chilling resolve. "Remember this," he intoned, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. "Your body, your soul—everything is mine."

Tears blurred my vision as he pressed his hand against the fresh wound, sending waves of pain through me. "Next time," he warned, his grip tightening, "think long and hard before you utter another man's name."

As he left the room, each echoing footstep felt like a stab in my heart, drowning out the sound of my own sobs. My eyes burned with tears, and my throat throbbed from the screams. The searing pain on my skin from the heated tattoo gun added to my torment, but it was the ache in my soul that was the hardest to bear.

For the next few hours, I remained bound to the chair, staring numbly at the wall ahead. Suddenly, a maid burst in, her eyes widening in horror at the sight before her.

Without a word, she hurried away, only to return moments later with a shawl. Gently, she untied my hands and wrapped the shawl around me, her touch a gentle comfort amidst the chaos.

"Please, don't tell sir that I freed you," she pleaded, her voice filled with urgency and concern.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely audible through my tears, gratitude washing over me like a soothing balm.

I wrapped the shawl tightly around myself and slowly made my way to my room. Each step felt heavy with the weight of my emotions, unsure whether the pain I felt was more physical or emotional.

Finally alone in my room, I locked the door behind me, seeking solace in solitude. Standing before the mirror, I shed the shawl, revealing the scars etched upon my chest.

Tears flowed freely as I sank to the floor, the pain of betrayal cutting deeper than any physical wound. In that moment, I realised I had become nothing more than a possession, a mere object in the hands of a heartless husband.

"I despise you with all my being, Devansh Agnihotri," I hissed through gritted teeth, my voice trembling with raw emotion, as I collapsed onto the cold, hard floor, my tears mixing with the anguish in my heart.


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