| Unveiling Deception |

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"Pari, please have your dinner," my mother's voice carried a blend of concern and gentle insistence, breaking through the fog of my thoughts.

Seated on the sofa, I turned slightly to see her emerge from the kitchen, a tray of food in hand. With a slow, almost imperceptible shake of my head, I silently refused.

Her sigh was heavy as she placed the food on the dining table and walked over to me. Standing before me, she waited patiently until I met her gaze, her hand finding its way to gently cup my head.

"Mom, please don't hate him," my voice was a fragile whisper as I held her waist tightly, seeking reassurance in her warmth.

Her touch was tender as she stroked my hair. "I don't hate him, Pari. But he needs to confront his actions. What he did is inexcusable, regardless of his state of mind. Domestic violence is never acceptable, beta, and he must understand that. Only when I see real change will I even consider the possibility of you returning to him."

Her words cut through my turmoil, leaving me staring up at her in disbelief.

Wiping away my tears, she settled down beside me, her tone softening. "I know about his mental condition, Pari."

"How?" The question slipped out, my shock still palpable as I rested my head in her lap, closing my eyes to shut out the image of Dev that haunted me, my heart heavy with the weight of our shattered bond.

"His parents told me," she replied calmly.

"What were they like?" I asked, my voice betraying the turmoil within me as I sought some understanding amidst the chaos.

"I don't know, Pari. Your father and I met them only once. When they saw Devansh's condition, they urged us not to meet him, hoping it would aid in his recovery," she explained gently, her fingers tracing soothing patterns on my hair.

My heart raced, feeling as though it might burst. Summoning my courage, I pressed on, "Mom, did Devansh ever indicate if he blames me for that night, or if he harbors any resentment?"

The room seemed to hold its breath, the silence stretching taut with tension as I awaited her response. Finally, she spoke, her voice steady, "No, he doesn't blame you. He didn't even know it was you. I spotted him at the temple. Before I could say a word, he introduced himself as your husband. It caught me off guard, but I pressed on, asking if he was the same person. He seemed startled initially by the revelation but then he confirmed it. However, he made it clear that he never blamed you, Pari."

I sat up abruptly, meeting her gaze with intensity. "Mom, doesn't it bother him that I entered his life like a shadow and turned it upside down in one night?"

She shook her head gently, her eyes conveying understanding. "No, Pari. Stop blaming yourself. Neither of you are to blame. Think of it as a nightmare and try to move forward. You've seen how Devansh has struggled, blaming himself for what happened. Don't burden yourself with that guilt."

As she rose to leave, I grasped her hand, compelling her to face me once more with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Mom, if Devansh hadn't been that boy, would you still have advised me to stay in this marriage?" I asked, peering into her eyes in search of clarity.

Pausing to consider her words carefully, she finally responded, "No, Pari. And I won't advise you anything on that matter. Whatever you decide, it must be your choice. But remember, Devansh has faced unimaginable hardships from a young age, things no one should endure. So, think carefully before making any decision."

Her Nightmare | 18+Where stories live. Discover now