| Unspoken Truths of the Past |

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What is the actual meaning or definition of dark romance?


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Fourteen-year-old Devansh made his way home from school, his face lit up with his usual smile, anticipating the joy of reuniting with his little sister, Anshika.

However, as he stepped inside, an unusual stillness enveloped him, a stark contrast to the usual lively atmosphere his mother and sister filled the house with.

Undeterred, he casually tossed his bag onto the sofa and kicked off his shoes, his curiosity urging him to explore further into the house.

With each empty room he combed through, his heartbeat quickened, the absence of his family amplifying his growing apprehension.

Hurrying to the terrace, dread gripped him at the sight of his mother, unconscious, his little sister sobbing beside her.

Without hesitation, he cradled his mother, praying for a response, but her silence pierced him with fear.

Under the relentless midday sun, the terrace felt stifling, intensifying his sense of urgency.

Moving swiftly, Devansh carried his sister downstairs, laying her gently on the bed and surrounding her with pillows.

Driven by resolve, he darted back to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water before rushing back to the terrace, his mind consumed by worry and uncertainty.

Devansh quickly splashed water onto his mother's face, the cool droplets jolting her back to consciousness.

As her eyelids fluttered open, he wrapped her in a tight embrace, his heart overflowing with relief at her awakening.

"Maa," Devansh whispered, his voice trembling with emotion as he held her close, grateful beyond measure for her recovery.

With gentle guidance, he helped his mother to her feet, leading her carefully down the stairs to her bedroom, ensuring her comfort every step of the way.

Without delay, he called the family doctor, urgently requesting a home visit for a thorough check-up, and promptly updated his father on the unfolding situation.

Soon, the doctor arrived, ready to offer assistance and ease the tension that permeated the room.

In a corner of the bedroom, Devansh stood, cradling Anshika in his arms, while his mother rested on the bed, and his father paced nervously, consumed by concern.

Following a comprehensive examination, the doctor provided reassurance, "There's no need to worry. Your elevated blood pressure is likely stress-induced. I'll prescribe medication for you, but it's essential to avoid stress for your well-being."

After the doctor left, Devansh returned to his room, gently laying Anshika on the bed and comforting her with soothing words until she drifted into peaceful sleep.

Devansh's parents were consumed by worry and stress in their bedroom.

"I don't know if I can handle such a huge responsibility," Devansh's mother admitted, her voice filled with uncertainty, as she sat up on the bed.

"What are you saying? Do you realise the seriousness of your statement?" Devansh's father whispered urgently, swiftly closing the door to prevent Devansh from overhearing.

Tears brimmed in Devansh's mother's eyes as she continued, her voice quivering with emotion. "I swear on my life, I love that child dearly, but just imagine if Devansh hadn't arrived on time today, anything could have happened. If Anshika had fallen from the terrace stairs...," her words trailed off as tears cascaded down her face, her voice choked with fear. "Just the thought terrifies me. My health isn't good, and I don't think I can bear such a heavy responsibility. Please, talk to Devansh and make him understand."

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