| Beneath the Shadow |

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"Please take care of yourself and call me if there's any pain in your hand," Dr. Naidu instructed Devansh before leaving with his staff.

As the door closed behind them, I turned my attention back to Devansh. "How's your hand now?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern.

Devansh lay on the bed, looking exhausted but resolute. I stood by the sofa, keeping my distance. He patted the space beside him and said, "Come sit here."

"No, I'm good here," I replied quickly, my heart racing.

"Please, Pari, just sit. I won't do anything," he said softly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pleading and assurance.

It wasn't that I was afraid of him. The truth was, I didn't trust myself. The proximity between us felt like a fragile barrier, one that I needed to maintain to keep my composure. The events of earlier had shaken me, the intensity of our encounter still fresh in my mind.

If I got too close, I feared we would lose control again, and this time, we might not be able to stop. The boundaries that held us in check would dissolve, and we would be swept away by the torrent of our desires.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to remain where I was. The distance was a necessary measure, a thin line of restraint in a night that threatened to unravel everything we had tried to keep contained.

"Pari," Devansh's voice was soft, almost a whisper, pulling me out of the chaotic swirl of my thoughts.

I looked up at him, his eyes pleading, as he patted the bed beside him, beckoning me to sit.

Hesitantly, I stood and made my way to the bed, my gaze involuntarily tracing the sharp lines of his jaw, which was tightly clenched, likely in an attempt to mask the pain in his hand.

As my eyes drifted downward, they lingered on his broad, muscular shoulders. The sight of him sitting there shirtless made my heart skip a beat, a wave of heat washing over me.

I swallowed hard, trying to steady my racing heart, and shifted my gaze to the wall as I lowered myself onto the bed beside him. The tension was palpable, every inch closer to him felt like walking a tightrope between desire and restraint.

As Devansh's arm encircled my waist, pulling me into his embrace, I felt a rush of conflicting emotions. His touch was both familiar and electrifying, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Sit close to me," his voice, a blend of tenderness and desire, urged me closer.

I found myself torn between the comfort of his proximity and the uncertainty of what it meant for us. Yet, as his warmth enveloped me, I couldn't deny the pull drawing me closer to him, like a moth to a flame.

As Devansh's fingers gently traced circles on my waist, his concerned gaze met mine. "What's troubling you, Pari?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine care.

I hesitated, feeling the weight of his gaze on me. "N...nothing," I managed to murmur, though my racing heart betrayed my attempt at composure.

"What's on your mind, Pari?" Devansh's voice pulled me back from my thoughts, his gaze searching mine.

I hesitated, struggling to find the words. "It's nothing," I repeated, though my voice wavered.

"Then why do you look so tense?" His concern was evident as his fingers gently caressed my waist.

"Devansh, you should rest. I'll go to my room," I suggested, attempting to stand up, but he held me back with a gentle tug.

"We'll sleep here together. There's plenty of space," he insisted, his grip firm yet comforting.

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