| Shadows of the Past |

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13 Years Back

Devansh sat comfortably in the living room, Anshika nestled contentedly on his lap as they watched cartoons together.

The doorbell's sudden ring echoed through the house, prompting the maid to swiftly answer it, revealing Natalia standing there.

Natalia strode in, her initial anger softening upon spotting Devansh on the sofa. "Dev, you didn't come to college today," she remarked, walking over to him.

Devansh turned to her with a warm smile. "Hey Lia, yeah, I had to stay back. My parents are out, and Ansh insisted on having me around."

Natalia raised an eyebrow, her gaze flickering towards Anshika. "But Reshma is here to help with Ansh, right?"

Devansh nodded. "I know, but she really wanted me to be here with her today."

Natalia clenched her jaw, suppressing her frustration. She moved closer, feigning innocence as she spoke softly, "Dev, everyone at college made fun of me today."

Concern filled Devansh's eyes. "What happened, Natalia?"

Tears welled up in Natalia's eyes as she recounted, "One of my friends hugged me suddenly, and it just reminded me of that horrible night. I couldn't hold back my tears, and everyone started laughing at me."

Devansh's expression softened with empathy. "I'm so sorry, Lia. People can be so thoughtless sometimes."

Natalia leaned into him, her voice wavering with emotion. "I feel so embarrassed and alone, Dev."

Devansh gently patted her back. "You're not alone, Lia. I'm here for you."

Natalia looked at him with affection in her eyes. "Thank you, Dev. It means a lot."

Anshika tugged at Devansh's shirt and innocently said, "Bhai, please don't talk now, I'm watching Shinchan."

Devansh smiled down at Anshika. "Okay, bachha."

Anshika nodded, cuddling closer to her brother, her innocent face evident. Natalia's heart sank slightly, noticing the affection between them.

Anshika nestled comfortably against Devansh's chest, her eyes glued to the television screen.

Natalia sat quietly beside them, stealing furtive glances at Devansh. Slowly, she extended her hand towards his, which rested casually on the sofa.

Just as her fingertips were about to touch Devansh's, Anshika raised her head, locking eyes with him. "Bhaiya, I want pizza right now!" she exclaimed with determination.

Devansh chuckled at her demand, gently lifting her onto his lap. Anshika steadied herself, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Bhaiya, I really want pizza," she repeated.

Devansh began to reply, but Natalia interrupted, her voice tinged with jealousy and frustration. "Dev, when she's so insistent, let her have it."

Devansh glanced at Natalia, explaining, "Lia, you know we're quite secluded here. No delivery services come this far; I'll have to go and get it myself."

"Then go get it, and get some for me too. I feel like eating as well," Natalia responded, her tone softer now.

Devansh considered for a moment before nodding. "Please take good care of Ansh. I'll be back soon," he said, giving Natalia a reassuring smile.

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