| First Forced Kiss |

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"Who is Ajit?"

Devansh's question had left me shaken. I stood by the door, my trembling hand reaching out to grip the handle. Fear crept in, causing beads of sweat to form on my forehead. With both hands clenched tightly at my sides, I turned around slowly, my gaze fixated on the ground.

Did I say anything while asleep? Did I mention Ajit's name? My mind was swirling with questions, but answering Devansh's query was paramount above all.

It wasn't just a question. It held the power to determine so much for me. A wrong answer could worsen my already hellish life. So, I pondered over what to say, trying to avoid any painful consequences.

"He's just a colleague," I finally uttered, although I knew it was far from the truth. The mere thought of Devansh's reaction suffocated me with dread, overshadowing any semblance of truth.

"Just a colleague?" Devansh's tone was laced with skepticism as he advanced towards me, each step resonating like a drumbeat in the room.

I gulped nervously, nodding slightly as I stared at the ground, too scared to look up and face his wrath. The fear of his anger paralyzed me, anchoring my gaze to the safety of the floor beneath me.

Each step he took echoed through the room, quickening my heartbeat with every thud.

He approached me with force, pinning me against the wall with a swift movement, making my heart race even faster.

He firmly grasped my chin, tilting my face upward to meet his intense gaze. In his eyes, I could see a mixture of anger and something more elusive, something I couldn't quite decipher.

His grip on my neck tightened, his voice demanding, "Who is Ajit?" he asked again, his tone laced with urgency and anger.

Struggling to ease his grip, I managed to respond, "He's a former colleague from my previous workplace. Devansh, please, you're hurting me."

Despite my efforts to break free, his grip only tightened, making it increasingly difficult to breathe.

Devansh loosened his grip on my neck but held onto my hands firmly, pulling me closer in one swift motion, causing our bodies to collide. The moisture from my clothes transferred to his, leaving us both damp.

Bringing his other hand to my face, he rubbed his thumb roughly against my lips. "You talk about your colleague in your sleep?" he asked incredulously.

I was stunned to realize that I had mentioned Ajit's name in my sleep. Devansh continued to rub his thumb against my lips, waiting for my response.

Summoning all my courage, I dared to meet his piercing gaze, and that's when I noticed it—a scar etched on his cheek. It was the first time I had seen him up close, and the sight sent a chill down my spine. The scar added a raw edge to his already intense demeanor, making him seem even more formidable. It served as a stark reminder of the danger that lurked beneath his surface, leaving me unsettled in his presence.

Gradually, our eyes locked. Unlike the usual hostility, I found no trace of animosity in his gaze. It was the first time I didn't perceive any resentment in Devansh's eyes. Instead, they softened, meeting mine with an unexpected tenderness.

Devansh's intense gaze locked onto mine, holding me in a mesmerizing trance before his eyes drifted down to my quivering lips. I stood frozen as he replaced his thumb with his own lips, a surge of shock coursing through me as his kiss began.

It was meant to be my first kiss, a moment I had always imagined to be tender and gentle. But reality shattered that illusion. It was forceful, aggressive, and unexpected. His sudden biting of my lips sent a sharp sting through me, leaving the taste of blood lingering in my mouth.

Despite my attempts to push him away, Devansh's grip on me remained unyielding as he intensified the kiss, his tongue attempting to invade my mouth. I resisted, keeping my lips tightly shut, but then he forcefully bit my lower lip, eliciting a gasp from me. As he inserted his tongue into my mouth and began devouring me, I struggled against him, futilely attempting to break free from his grasp. His strength overpowered me, rendering me powerless and trapped in the moment.

Finally, he released the kiss, his eyes boring into mine with a gaze filled with hatred and disdain, the tenderness gone. Tears welled up in my eyes as I attempted to touch my swollen lips, but Devansh intercepted my hand, pinning both of my arms against the wall. My eyes widened in shock and fear as I realized the gravity of the situation.

"You are mine, Pari," Devansh's voice resonated with authority, his eyes ablaze with determination. "Your every thought, every beat of your heart, every inch of your body belongs to me, and you'd do well to remember that. Today, I'll ensure this truth is etched into your very soul," he declared, his words a potent mix of dominance and desire, sending a chill of fear down my spine despite the tremor of uncertainty that ran through me.

Feeling a surge of panic, I attempted to pull my hand from his tight grip as he dragged me down the corridor. "Devansh, please, let go of me. He's just a colleague," I pleaded desperately, my voice trembling with fear. "I didn't mean to say his name. I won't do it again. Please, Devansh, let me go."

Ignoring my pleas, Devansh led me to the last room in the corridor and forcefully released my hand, causing me to stumble slightly. Regaining my balance, I turned to face him, only to find his eyes blazing with anger.

In a panic, I was on the verge of retreating when Devansh seized my hand, guiding me to a nearby chair and promptly securing my hands to it.

"Where do you think you're off to, wifey?" Devansh's voice sliced through the air, his demeanor deceptively calm yet dripping with menace. "But before you scamper away, allow me to present you with a little souvenir for letting another man's name slip from those lips of yours," he declared, his words laced with a dangerous allure that sent shivers down my spine.

A wave of dread swept over me, tears cascading down my cheeks as I begged, "Devansh, what are you doing? I'm sorry, please forgive me. I promise I won't make this mistake again."

Devansh leaned in, his hands gripping the arms of the chair as he peered into my eyes with a twisted smirk. "Devansh?" he repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Huh?"

Confusion swept over me initially, but then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. I wasn't permitted to address him by his name. Without shifting my gaze, I quickly apologised, "I'm sorry, sir, please forgive me. I promise I won't make this mistake again. I'll never speak out of turn."

Devansh straightened up and walked towards the cupboard, unlocking it to reveal its unsettling contents. My heart sank as I caught sight of the array of tools and instruments, each one seemingly designed for inflicting pain.

The terrifying reality hit me like a freight train, widening my eyes in disbelief as a grim image of impending horror flashed through my mind. Unable to confront the impending cruelty, I shut my eyes tightly, seeking refuge from the terrifying truth.


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