| Dreadful Encounter |

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In the refuge of Devansh's embrace, tears streamed down my face, my body trembling with sobs. Suddenly, Mr. Advani intervened, his presence casting a shadow over our intimate moment.

"Mr. Agnihotri, good you're here," Mr. Advani said with a hint of malice. "I've been trying to reason with Mrs. Agnihotri, explaining to her that the proposition she's making is ethically wrong. However, despite my efforts, she remains obstinate and refuses to acknowledge the gravity of the situation."

My eyes widened in disbelief as Mr. Advani's words echoed in the room. With a trembling voice, I turned to Devansh, desperation etched in every line of my face. "Devansh, he's lying! He forced himself on me!"

Tension hung heavy in the air as I found myself caught between Devansh's unwavering gaze and Mr. Advani's manipulative facade. In that moment, amidst the chaos of conflicting truths, I clung to the hope that Devansh would see through the deception and stand by my side.

Devansh fixed Mr. Advani with a steely glare, causing him to nervously gulp, his attempt to compose himself evident.

"Devansh, your wife told me she needed to speak with me urgently," Mr. Advani nervously interjected, his voice betraying a hint of unease as he glanced at Devansh. "With the loud music downstairs, I couldn't hear her properly. She misunderstood and thought I was ignoring her, so she asked to come upstairs to talk. But then... she touched me and said you couldn't give her the love she deserves. I didn't know how to react."

Devansh's jaw clenched, his fists tightening as his eyes blazed with anger, the redness evident in his gaze.

I shivered with fear as Devansh's anger boiled over, adding to my distress. "No, Devansh, he's lying. Ask Naina, I came up here with her. She's the one who locked me in. I have no reason to lie," I pleaded desperately, my voice quivering with anxiety.

At that moment, the PA who had been standing by the door hastily went downstairs and returned with Naina in tow.

"Please, Naina, tell Devansh that I came up here with you, and you locked me in, but I have no complaints about it. Please, tell him," I implored, my eyes brimming with hope.

Naina, sharp and perceptive, quickly assessed the situation from the expressions around her. Even Mr. Advani appeared to await her response.

Stepping into the room, Naina calmly stated, "Why would I lock you up, Parinidhi? I just greeted you downstairs, but you ignored me. Then I saw you coming up with this man," she gestured towards Mr. Advani, "and I even called out to you. Perhaps the loud music drowned out my voice."

Naina's words pierced through me like daggers, igniting a fierce battle between desperation and despair within. I clung to her hand, my voice trembling with urgency, "Please, Naina, you can't say that. My entire life could crumble because of this. Please, tell Devansh the truth. I'm begging you."

With a gentle yet resolute tug, Naina withdrew her hand, her expression unwavering, "I'm sorry, but I can't fabricate the truth for anyone."

"Out," Devansh's voice thundered, slicing through the tension in the room like a sharp blade. The PA swiftly escorted Naina out of the room.

Devansh's eyes blazed with anger as he turned his attention to Mr. Advani, his tone clipped and cold, "I apologise for the disturbance caused by my wife. The party is now over; you may leave."

Mr. Advani, visibly taken aback by the abrupt turn of events, nodded in silent acquiescence before exiting the room.

Left alone with Devansh, I braced myself for the impending tempest, his gaze a turbulent whirlpool of resentment and fury. With each deliberate step he took towards me, I instinctively retreated, the weight of my unspoken truth hanging heavily in the air.

"Devansh, please, he's lying," I managed to say, my words strained and feeble. But before I could finish, he grabbed me by nape of my neck, his grip unyielding as he forced my head back.

"You're a disgrace, willing to throw yourself at anyone," he seethed, his eyes blazing with anger. "Ready to sleep with anyone who shows you a bit of attention."

Trembling, I tried to break free, my hands desperately clawing at his hold, but his grasp only tightened, causing me to wince in pain.

I shook my head in disbelief at his accusation, the weight of his words sinking in. Despite knowing Devansh's stubbornness, I couldn't suppress my hope. Meeting his gaze, I pleaded, "Devansh, please, just hear me out. Give me a chance to explain."

Relief washed over me as Devansh removed his hand from me, briefly raising my hopes. However, in the next instant, he grabbed my throat tightly, his fingers digging into my skin.

"Don't you dare utter my name with that filthy mouth of yours," he spat, his grip tightening with each word. "I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget."

With that, Devansh lifted me onto his shoulder and carried me out of the guest room. The corridor was deserted, the guests having left, and there was no one around to witness his violent outburst.

Despite my protests, Devansh took me to his room, throwing me onto the bed before locking the door behind him. As he approached me, he ominously declared, "Tonight, you'll learn the consequences of betraying me."


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