| Unexpected Tokens of Affection |

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I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in the elegance of a saree, and cautiously glanced around to see if Devansh was in the room. To my relief, it was empty.

Quickly, I made my way to the dressing table. Just as I was about to sit down, I felt the warmth of Devansh's arms enveloping me from behind, pulling me close against him.

"Looking for me?" he whispered, his breath hot against my ear, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.

"I wasn't looking for you; I was hiding from you," I retorted, extricating myself from his embrace and sitting at the dressing table. I began brushing my hair, focusing on the reflection in the mirror.

Devansh stood behind me, his gaze fixed on our reflection.

With a raised eyebrow, I asked, "What is it? Why are you staring at me like that?" My voice betrayed a slight tremor under the intensity of his gaze.

He gently moved my hair aside, draping it over one shoulder. Leaning in, he kissed the exposed skin of my other shoulder, his lips lingering as he rested his chin there. "I'm just marveling," he murmured. "How can someone be so simple, so stunning, and so utterly captivating all at once? You're a lethal combination, my love. One day, you might just be the death of me."

His words, spoken in that deep, husky voice, sent my heart into a frenzy. I bit my lip, trying to maintain my composure, but his presence, his touch, made it nearly impossible.

"Get yourself ready while I freshen up. Then we can enjoy breakfast together. I've prepared something special just for you," Devansh announced before heading towards the bathroom.

"Wait, you cooked breakfast?" I exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

It was a side of Devansh I had never witnessed before. I had no idea he even knew how to cook, let alone prepare something special.

Turning back to face me, he let out a light chuckle at my astonishment. "Indeed, I did. And it's exclusively for you. Your husband does know his way around the kitchen, love," he added with a smile, a sparkle of delight dancing in his eyes.

His joy was infectious, yet I couldn't shake off my initial shock. Seeing my reaction, Devansh's smile wavered, replaced by a hint of nervousness. "What's the matter? You will join me for breakfast, won't you?" he asked, his tapping fingers on the floor betraying his anxiety.

Gathering my composure, I nodded slowly in affirmation. Relief washed over him, evident in the immediate return of his radiant smile. "I'll be back shortly after freshening up," he assured me before disappearing into the bathroom.

I diverted my attention back to the mirror, methodically brushing through my hair as my thoughts wandered.

"If only our paths had crossed sooner, perhaps our lives would have taken a different turn, and we might have found happiness together. But alas, dwelling on 'what ifs' serves no purpose," I mused, a tinge of regret lacing my thoughts.

With a determined shake of my head, I refocused on the task at hand. I finished getting ready and made my way to the living room, where Mukul and Anshika were seated on the sofa.

"When did you arrive?" I inquired, settling onto the adjacent sofa.

"Just now, Bhabhi," Mukul replied, then continued, "Devansh? He called me and asked me to come."

"He's in the shower," I responded. Just as I was about to avert my gaze, I noticed Anshika's eyes fixed on my neck, a mischievous glint dancing within them.

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