| Shadows of Doubt |

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It had been a full week since Anshika's hospital discharge, and likewise, an entire week had passed since Devansh's intrusive question.

Throughout this time, he appeared absorbed in work or deliberately steered clear of encountering me. Honestly, I found myself feeling relieved by his absence.

Rahul finally got through to me by calling Reshma's phone a few days ago. It was unexpected, leaving me puzzled about how he got her number.

During our conversation, he revealed that Devansh had released Ajit, who was in a critical state. Rahul rushed him to the hospital and took on the responsibility of caring for him. Hearing this news brought a flood of relief over me.

The house was gearing up for a party to celebrate Anshika's arrival, a joy that I couldn't quite comprehend. Being amidst the hustle and bustle at such times could be overwhelming for her, but I chose to remain silent.

As the staff bustled about with last-minute party arrangements, I stole a moment of tranquility outside, settling onto the steps after completing my tasks.

The evening had descended, and in the familiar routine, Reshma could be spotted guiding Anshika through the garden, just as she had been doing for the past few days.

"Get yourself ready while I prepare Ansh baby. Guests will start arriving shortly," Reshma told me, and I nodded before making my way to my room.

Just as I emerged from my room fully dressed, I collided with something or someone, and looking up, I found Devansh standing right before me. Anxious, I swallowed hard and cast my eyes downward, but he gently lifted my chin with his hand, peering into my eyes.

His proximity unnerved me, and my heart raced with fear. Perhaps sensing my apprehension, guilt flickered in his eyes, prompting him to swiftly retract his hand from my chin and instead grasp mine, guiding me towards the living room.

Upon entering the living room, guests had already begun to arrive. Each one greeted Devansh in turn, and with him holding my hand firmly, I had little choice but to stand beside him, offering a forced smile.

Lost in my own thoughts, I found myself staring blankly at the ground as Devansh delved into discussions about his business ventures. His words seemed to drift over me, leaving me feeling disconnected and disinterested in the conversation.

Suddenly, I was jolted out of my reverie by the sound of a warm voice cutting through the background noise. "You must be Pari," the woman said, her smile radiating kindness and familiarity.

It had been quite some time since anyone had called me by that nickname, and the unexpectedness of it took me by surprise. Nevertheless, I managed a polite smile and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Hi, I'm Ekta Dhingra, and this is my husband, Nityan Dhingra and he is my brother-in-law Siddharth," she introduced, gesturing towards her husband and her brother-in-law. I reciprocated with a friendly namaste and a warm smile.

"Bhabhi, it's Sid, not Siddharth," he corrected in an annoyed tone, then proceeded to hug Devansh.

"Do you ever do anything other than throw parties?" Siddharth quipped, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Devansh's response was enigmatic, hinting at the significance of the gathering. "This party is special," he remarked, piquing Siddharth's curiosity.

"In what way?" Siddharth prodded, intrigued by Devansh's mysterious comment.

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