| Pari's Bold Move |

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I was in my room, the past few hours feeling like a surreal nightmare. There was neither the desire nor the reason to step outside. I had already had dinner with the other staff, who had retired to their rooms in the staff quarters behind the mansion.

Despite being Devansh's supposed wife, according to societal norms, I should have been in his room, but the harsh reality of our relationship reminded me of my place in this house like a slap in the face. I was in the small room by the stairs, where Anshika's nanny used to stay.

I had locked the room securely and was about to retire for the night when I heard the screech of car tires outside. My heart raced, and I hurriedly moved to the corner of my bed, clutching my legs, hoping somehow this night would pass quickly.

Then I heard footsteps approaching my room, and my heart pounded even faster, thinking that perhaps Devansh was coming this way.

But then the footsteps stopped, and their sound faded away, as if they had turned in the opposite direction.

The next moment, I heard something I never could have imagined, not even in my wildest dreams. A loud thud echoed in my ears.

"Di... didi," a faint voice called out.

Was that Rahul's voice? My heart skipped a beat, and I rushed to the door, my hands trembling as I tried to open it.

"Didi, save me!" Rahul's scream pierced through my ears.

I immediately swung the door open, my mind unable to comprehend what was happening.

As I entered the living room, my eyes widened in shock. Rahul lying on the ground outside, one of Devansh's men pressing him down with his foot. I didn't hesitate or falter; I just instinctively moved towards the door. But before I could step outside, Devansh's voice boomed from behind me.

"If you take one step outside, this will be the last time you see your brother alive," Devansh's voice thundered menacingly.

My foot froze in place, reluctant yet compelled, as I withdrew it back. Tears welled up in my eyes as I witnessed the cruelty inflicted upon my brother. Turning back, I found Devansh seated on sofa, cigarette in hand, his face devoid of any expression, but his eyes brimming with intense hatred directed towards me and my brother.

As I rushed towards Devansh, a wave of realisation washed over me, making me aware of the grave consequences of my actions. I understood that intervening meant putting everything I cherished at risk.

Despite the fear gripping me, I pleaded desperately, clutching at Devansh's feet, "Please, let go of my brother. He's in excruciating pain and bleeding profusely. Have mercy, I beg you. Please, release him."

Devansh shot me a disdainful look, smirking at my resilience to pain. "Your brother's hurting, isn't he?" he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. With a tight grip on my chin, he pulled me up and forcibly directed my gaze towards my brother.

Devansh's words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable dripping with accusation and malice. "What was your innocent brother doing in the hospital where my sister is fighting for her life?" His voice dripped with disdain, his eyes burning with anger.

"Ask your brother why he was there after causing so much pain. After his cruelty, what did he hope to achieve?" His accusations weighed heavily on me, rendering me speechless and defenseless against his relentless assault.

Devansh's revelation struck me like a heavy blow. Rahul had gone to the hospital? The very thought sent shivers down my spine.

Amidst the chaos of my thoughts, Rahul's desperate plea echoed in my mind. "Di, I only went to see Anshika. Please, explain it to Devansh ji," his words resonated with fear and desperation.

My heart sank as I realised the enormity of the task ahead. How could I make Devansh understand? Would he ever believe that Rahul's intentions were pure, that he went there out of concern for his friend? The weight of uncertainty pressed down on me, as I grappled with the daunting challenge of bridging the gap between my brother's innocence and Devansh's harsh judgement.

Despite Devansh's tight grip on my chin, I collapsed to the ground, my determination crumbling alongside me. Yet, amidst the tumult of my thoughts, one thing was clear: if I didn't act, Devansh would inflict unimaginable torment upon Rahul. Summoning every ounce of strength, I wiped away my tears and locked eyes with Rahul, sharing our mutual anguish.

Though the weight of the situation bore down on me, I couldn't remain passive. Rising to my feet, I positioned myself firmly in Devansh's path, a staunch barrier shielding Rahul from his wrathful gaze.

"Let him go. Whatever anger you have is for me, I'm standing here for him," I said with courage.

"No, di," Rahul screamed, and I spun around, only to witness the man forcefully pressing his foot onto Rahul's face. Anger surged through me as I locked eyes with him, compelling him to slowly withdraw his foot from Rahul's face.

Devansh didn't respond to my words; instead, he glared at me with anger.

Despite the palpable tension, I couldn't help but smirk as I locked gazes with Devansh. "What's the matter? Afraid you won't shatter me more than this?" I dared, fully aware of the dangerous game I was playing.

Devansh's fury was evident in the clenching of his jaw, his gaze burning into mine with unbridled rage. Without breaking eye contact, he commanded his men to remove Rahul from the premises.

With ruthless efficiency, they lifted Rahul and flung him into the waiting car, disappearing into the night with screeching tires.

As the tension eased slightly, I let out a sigh of relief. But then, Devansh grabbed my neck tightly, his words dripping with malice and contempt. "You think I can't break you further, my dear wife?" he sneered. "Tonight, I'll make sure this night stays etched in your memory forever. You won't be able to forget it, no matter how hard you try. Consider it my special gift to you."


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