| Shadows of Betrayal |

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The study room wrapped me in a cocoon of solitude as I carefully examined the papers strewn across my desk. The constant buzz of my phone broke the silence, diverting my attention from the meticulous work before me. I grabbed it swiftly, anticipating it might be Arnav.

"Hello boss," Arnav's voice echoed through the speaker as soon as I accepted the call, and I placed the phone down, keeping it on speaker for convenience.

"Hmm," I acknowledged casually, my attention divided between the paperwork spread out before me and the conversation unfolding on the phone.

"Boss, I've just forwarded you the CCTV footage from the café where Rahul and Ajit met," Arnav's voice crackled through the line. I swiftly opened the folder on my computer that Arnav had sent over.

As the footage played out, a surge of anger gripped me when I witnessed Ajit planting the phone in Rahul's bag.

"Good work, Arnav," I commended him, my tone edged with determination. "How's the progress on the interior work at the house?"

"I'm at the location now, boss. It's nearly complete. We should wrap it up by the end of the week," Arnav updated me promptly.

"Alright, but ensure there are no further delays," I instructed firmly, preparing to end the call when Arnav interjected, "Should I schedule the appointment for next week?"

My mood instantly soured at the mention of the appointment, and I curtly replied, "I won't be going."

Arnav attempted to argue, "But boss—"

Cutting him off sharply, I reiterated, "Arnav, I said I'm not going."

There was a brief silence on the line before Arnav spoke again, "I'm sorry, boss, but if you decline, I'll have to inform Mam."

"Arnav," I sighed in frustration, my patience waning.

"You did mention that if you declined, I should mention Mam's name," he teased lightly.

Shaking my head in resignation, I conceded, "Fine, go ahead and schedule the appointment." With that, I disconnected the call.

I swiftly transferred the folder onto my phone and promptly sent it over to Mukul and Michael.

Just as I was about to immerse myself back into my work, my eyes caught sight of the wall clock. It glared back at me, the hands silently proclaiming it was already two in the afternoon.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath, my mind racing. Without a moment's delay, I left the study room and briskly descended the stairs to check on Pari, wondering if she needed anything.


I stood on the balcony, gazing out at the forest ahead, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of that dreadful night—four men, a secluded cottage, gunfire, and flames licking the sky. Closing my eyes tightly, I strained to recall the details.

Suddenly, strong arms enveloped me from behind, and I instinctively knew it was Devansh. I turned around swiftly, meeting his eyes with a smile that conveyed both relief and a lingering sadness.

Devansh returned my smile, his features softening as he leaned in to kiss my lips. I responded eagerly, pouring all my emotions into that kiss, needing to feel his closeness, his reassurance.

When we finally parted, I took his hand as he led me back inside to our room, where he gently seated me on the edge of the bed.

His concern was evident as he asked, his voice tender yet tinged with concern, "What were you doing out there on the balcony? I've told you, Pari, to let go of the past."

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