| Reckoning: Parinidhi's Resolve |

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As I arrived at the hospital with Rahul, a surge of anguish engulfed me. Hurrying towards the ward entrance, I came to an abrupt halt, my heart heavy with the weight of my conscience.

I refused to be the cause of any more suffering for someone already enduring so much. With determination, I wiped away my tears with my pallu.

Summoning all my strength, I entered the ward. Yet, what I encountered inside shook me to the core. I stumbled in shock, but Rahul's firm grip steadied me, offering unwavering support. Standing by the bedside, I faced Ajit's dire condition, his condition far worse than I had imagined.

His body resembled a tapestry of injuries, hidden beneath layers of bandages and casts, each one serving as a painful reminder of his suffering. His neck was encased in a sturdy brace, a clear indication of the severity of his injuries.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I took two steps forward. But as I gazed upon Ajit's face, despair enveloped me. What was once a familiar visage now bore the marks of swelling and lacerations, a harrowing testament to the extent of his pain.

Ajit's state rattled me to the core, jolting my entire being with a profound sense of horror. Witnessing someone as composed as him, now reduced to such agony, sent shivers down my spine. Tears clouded my vision, obscuring the harsh reality before me.

"P...Pari...." Ajit's voice quivered, barely audible above a whisper, as he reached out his trembling hand towards me. With unwavering resolve, I seized his hand in mine, anchoring myself beside his bed.

"I knew you'd come, Pari," Ajit's voice was barely a whisper, strained with pain. His words pierced through me, leaving a lump lodged in my throat, rendering me speechless.

Ajit tightened his grip on my hand, a solitary tear escaping from the corner of his eye, tracing a silent path down his cheek before splashing onto the pillow beneath him. "I'm sorry, Pari. When you needed me, I wasn't there."

Consumed by a tumult of guilt and anguish, I instinctively rested my head against our entwined hands, tears cascading down my cheeks as I murmured through choked sobs, "I'm sorry...... Ajit...... I'm sorry for....... what you're enduring....... I'm responsible for your pain....... I'm sorry, Ajit."

"No, Pari... please, don't carry this burden," Ajit implored, his voice filled with a quiet strength. I lifted my head, leaning in to press my forehead gently against his, and in unison, we closed our eyes.

In that moment, I wished for the power to alleviate his pain, to erase his suffering entirely. But reality dictated otherwise. "I'm sorry, Ajit," I murmured, the words heavy with regret and guilt.

Ajit's condition stabbed at my heart, kindling a rage born of anguish. No adversary could inflict such cruelty. In that moment, a steadfast vow resounded within me: Devansh would never receive my forgiveness.

As the door to the ward creaked open, I settled back into my seat, bracing myself for Rahul's arrival. Soon enough, he entered, holding a bowl of porridge in his hands.

"Di, please, make sure Ajit eats this. He hasn't touched anything since yesterday, insisting on waiting to see you," Rahul's plea carried a weight of genuine concern.

My gaze shifted to Ajit, who, despite his evident pain, managed a smile and said, "I had no other choice but to bring you here, except to starve."

"Ajit, how could you even think of doing this, especially in your condition?" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with concern.

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