𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 40: 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖀𝖓𝖛𝖊𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖉

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Later that night, the moon cast a gentle glow over the castle, and the corridors were quiet. Nia stirred in her empty bed, feeling the absence of Kiyoshi. She missed his warmth and the way he would stroke her hair until she drifted off to sleep. She knew he was out there, fighting for their kingdom. She had to be strong for him, and for their people.

Yet she could not shake the longing that tugged at her heart. Unable to find sleep, she rose from her bed and, quietly, she slipped out of her chambers and made her way down the dimly lit halls. The castle was silent as Nia approached the kitchen. She heard hushed whispers and muffled laughter coming from nearby servants' quarters. Curiosity and a strange intuition led her to investigate.

Peering around the corner, Nia caught sight of Lady Elspeth, in the arms of a man's servant. Their embrace was passionate, their lips locked in a heated exchange. Nia's expression remained impassive, her calm and collected demeanor unwavering. She had stumbled upon a secret affair between the lady and the servant, one that could jeopardize Lady Elspeth's reputation and possibly destabilize the delicate balance of power within the court.

Instead of confronting Elspeth immediately, she chose to observe silently, gathering her thoughts. With her newfound knowledge, Nia retreated to the shadows, making her way back to her chambers. The knowledge of Elspeth's affair could be a powerful tool, a weapon she could use to discredit her rival when the time was right.

The next day, Nia was in the throne room surrounded by council plans and strategies, a weighty responsibility thrust upon her in Kiyoshi's absence

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The next day, Nia was in the throne room surrounded by council plans and strategies, a weighty responsibility thrust upon her in Kiyoshi's absence. The complexities of defenses and alliances threatened to overwhelm her, but she fought to maintain focus and control.

As she immersed herself in the affairs of the kingdom, the doors of the throne room creaked open. Lady Elspeth entered, with an arrogant smirk on her face. Nia, unbothered, continued to look at the plans. "Lady Elspeth," she acknowledged calmly, without looking up. "What brings you to the throne room today?"

"Queen Nia," she drawled, her voice dripping with condescension, "mourning your absent husband? Perhaps you should face reality. He has likely succumbed to the plague, another lost soul in that wretched Verdantreach."

Nia remained composed; her eyes fixed on the documents. "Your concern is noted, Lady Elspeth. Now, if you have no business here, I suggest you leave."

"It is a shame, really. A queen without a king, a kingdom without true leadership." Lady Elspeth sneered, taking a step closer to the dais. "I have seen how you have handled things since he has been gone. Pathetic. I could do so much better."

"Dare you speak ill of our King, Lady Elspeth?" Nia's voice was cool and dangerously calm. "You forgot your place. Perhaps you should return to your quarters and contemplate the consequences of your words."

Elspeth's smile widened, cold and cruel. "King? More like a fool, rushing headfirst into danger while his kingdom crumbles. Perhaps it's better this way, wouldn't you agree?"

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now