𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 46: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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The door slammed open, shattering the quiet of Kiyoshi's study, as Daemon stormed in, his face a mask of fury. "How dare you!" he spat at his brother. "How dare you embarrass me, and Elspeth, before the entire court!"

Kiyoshi raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Embarrass you?" he repeated, "It seems you have a warped perspective on the situation, brother."

Daemon stepped closer; fists clenched at his sides. "And why are we denied access to the royal accounts, brother? Surely, you do not believe your petty accusations give you the right to withhold MY inheritance?" His voice dripped with venom.

Kiyoshi leaned back in his chair, regarding his brother with a mixture of pity and disdain. "Petty accusations? Is that how you view plotting against your king? Consider the lack of money your punishment for your treachery, brother. And now, you will suffer the consequences of your actions."

"Punishment!" Daemon scoffed. "This is my birthright! The throne should have been mine! You've stolen what rightfully belonged to me!"

Kiyoshi's eyes narrowed, a hint of steel in his voice. "A pity, then, that our parents failed to see fit to educate you on the responsibilities of ruling. It is not merely about one's birthright, but about the wellbeing of the kingdom and its people. As for the throne, you will never sit upon it, not while I live and breathe. You have forfeited that right through your treachery and ambition."

"And while we discuss punishment, perhaps you should be more concerned with the traditional consequences of treason. Be glad vampire poison is not on the menu, brother." Kiyoshi's voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of danger that sent a shiver down Daemon's spine.

"This throne will be mine! You cannot keep me from it!" Daemon shouted; his face twisted with rage. "I'll find a way to take what's rightfully mine!"

"Our parents left this throne to me, Daemon. Not to you. If they truly thought you the rightful heir, they would have acted accordingly. Stop behaving like an entitled child and accept the consequences of your actions. You will be held accountable for your treason."

Taking a deep breath, Kiyoshi stood and faced his brother, the anger in his eyes tempered by a steely resolve. "And while we're on the subject of misplaced grievances, a good king is not measured by the amount of gold lining his pockets. My people, our people, are in danger. Children are disappearing, Daemon. Fathers and mothers weep for their lost sons and daughters. Yet, you whine about riches?"

He slammed his fist on the desk, sending papers flying. "My patience grows thin, brother. Perhaps you are disappointed your schemes haven't led you to the throne, but I will not tolerate further disrespect. And I warn you," he said, his voice dripping with venom, "if I hear even a whisper that you have had any dealings with the forces behind these disappearances, I will not hesitate to end you with my bare hands. Do you understand?"

Daemon's eyes widened, his lips trembling in anger. "You wouldn't dare," he spat.

"Perhaps your energy would be better spent on your pitiful excuse of a marriage, instead of fighting for a crown you will never wear!" Kiyoshi growled, his anger getting the better of him.

"What are you talking about?" Daemon sneered, his anger momentarily masking his fear.

"Your wife seeks... other companions," Kiyoshi said bluntly. "A distraction she found in the company of common servants. It seems she has grown bored with you, Daemon." He paused, taking in his brother's shocked expression. "But, then again, perhaps you have grown bored with her as well. After all, she is but a tool in your plan for the throne."

"Lies!" he spat, the color draining from his face.

"Believe what you wish, brother. It changes nothing. Your actions, and Elspeth's infidelity, will not be forgotten. They will not be ignored. You will both pay the price." Kiyoshi leaned forward; his eyes boring into Daemon's. "And as for the throne, you can spend the rest of your days wallowing in your self-pity and plotting your revenge. I will not allow you to further endanger the lives of my people. This kingdom is my responsibility, and I will not rest until justice is served. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a kingdom to run."

With a final, withering glare, Kiyoshi dismissed him. "Leave now," he bit out, his voice laced with venom. As Daemon retreated, Kiyoshi remained seated, his shoulders slumping beneath the weight of his burdens. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart and calm the rage that threatened to boil over. He was the king, and he could not allow his emotions to rule him.

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now