𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 54: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓

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His heart pounded in his chest as he took in the message. This was the second time the mysterious figure had summoned him to the Whispering Glade...

"Again.... Shadows whisper where truth hides. Meet before dawn at the Whispering Glade. Silence your guard, come alone."

The message was cryptic and unsettling, but Kiyoshi knew he could not ignore it. The last encounter left him with more questions than answers, yet this mysterious figure seemed to hold the key to unraveling the web of lies and deceit surrounding his kingdom. He glanced at the clock, the hands inching closer to midnight. There was no time to lose.

Kiyoshi left his study and walked towards his chambers. He needed to speak to Nia. The last time he went out without informing her, she was furious. He hesitated outside their door for a moment, listening to the gentle snores coming from within. It seemed she had finally fallen asleep.

He walked towards her and gave her a small tap on the shoulder, trying not to wake her up too abruptly. "Nia," he whispered. She stirred but did not wake up. "There's something I need to check on, something related to the children."

Her eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "The children? Are you close to finding them?" There was hope in her voice, a spark of determination that lit up her features.

Kiyoshi took a deep breath. "I do not know," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "But there might be a lead, a possibility I need to explore."

"I see," Nia said, studying his face. She knew something was off, but she could tell he did not want to say anything more. "Alright, Kiyoshi. Be careful. If there's anything I can do to help..." Her voice trailed off, but he shook his head.

"No, you stay here and rest. Make sure everything is alright here. I do not want you risking yourself as well." He gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her. She returned it weakly but did not protest. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Kiyoshi gathered what he thought he might need for the meeting, making sure to leave his sword and armor behind. He did not want to appear threatening or aggressive. Instead, he dressed in more casual clothes, a dark cloak thrown over his shoulders to mask his identity. Once ready, he slipped out of the castle, careful not to wake any of the guards or servants.

The air in the stable was cool and crisp as Kiyoshi saddled his loyal horse. He tightened the final strap on the horse's saddle and reached for his cloak, pulling it around him. The beast whinnied softly, sensing his master's tension, but Kiyoshi reassured it with a gentle pat on its neck.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the stable. Kiyoshi turned around to see three of his guards, their faces covered with concern, rushing into the stables. "Your Majesty," one of them stammered, bowing low. "Queen Nia has instructed us to accompany you wherever you go. She insists on your safety."

Kiyoshi's heart warmed at Nia's concern. He appreciated her care and protectiveness, but he knew he could not put her in danger. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with appreciation. "However, your presence is needed in the palace. Queen Nia requires your protection. I appreciate her concern, but this is a matter I must handle alone."

The guards exchanged glances, unsure whether they should obey their queen or their king. "But Your Majesty," the guard began, "the situation is uncertain. We cannot simply..."

Kiyoshi's voice cut through the air like a sword, his words sharp and commanding. "You will do as I say. Queen Nia is right to worry about my safety, but she must trust that I know what I am doing. I need you to protect her and our people while I am gone. I will not have you risk your lives or the lives of others for my sake."

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now