𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 66: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖍

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The sun beat down mercilessly on Kiyoshi, Thalasar, and Captain Shale as they rode at the head of the combined vampire army. Two days and a night had passed since they had left the safety of their castle, and the air was thick with anticipation and tension. Kiyoshi's heart raced as he scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of the undead horde. His gaze drifted to Thalasar, who rode beside him,

"We're nearing the gates of Niameda," Thalasar informed Kiyoshi, his voice steady despite the tension in his shoulders. Kiyoshi squinted towards the horizon, his heart sinking into his chest.

A wave of unease washed over him. Where were the usual banners of Niameda, the vibrant colors that spoke of their vibrant culture? Instead, a different flag flew, a black and red pennant that sent a chill through his very bones.

"They've taken Niameda," Kiyoshi muttered, his voice hoarse. "Those treacherous goblins have joined forces with Madoc."

"Indeed, Your Majesty," Captain Loran said, "It seems they have forgotten the kindness you showed them." He glanced back at the army, the tension in his shoulders mirroring Kiyoshi's.

"Or perhaps," Kiyoshi growled, "they were never truly grateful. All they saw was weakness, an opportunity to exploit."

They arrived at the gates of Niameda, the once-proud city now a deserted shell with blightfang goblins patrolling the kingdom's borders. He raised a hand, halting the army. "Captain Shale," he addressed the pirate captain, "Lead our forces to the coast. Strike at their supply lines, cripple their forces."

"Aye, my friend," Captain Shale nodded, his eyes gleaming with battle-lust. With a command, he led his pirate forces away from the gates, heading towards the coast. Kiyoshi watched them go before turning back to Thalasar. " Thalasar, I want you to take your archers and hide behind the shadows of the forest. Snipe at the goblin patrols when they get too close. We'll need to weaken their numbers as much as possible before we make our main assault."

Thalasar and his elves nodded in understanding, riding off to obey Kiyoshi's orders. Kiyoshi's gaze finally settled on the remaining force - his people, the vampires. They had trained for this moment, honed their skills and sharpened their fangs. He took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill his lungs as he addressed them. "My brothers and sisters! The hour for vengeance has finally arrived! We fight for Ivamis, for our freedom, but today, we also fight for redemption. Show them the true strength of the vampires! Show them the fury of a king protecting his people!"

A deafening roar echoed across the battlefield as Kiyoshi's words resonated with his army. His people, his family, raised their weapons high, their fangs bared, and their eyes filled with determination. They were ready to fight, to die if necessary, to reclaim their homeland from the clutches of the treacherous goblins.

"Captain Loran, lead the army whilst I go and find Madoc," Kiyoshi ordered his trusted commander. Captain Loran nodded and took up position at the head of the vampire army. "Attack!" he shouted, and with a thunderous roar, they charged forward towards the gates of Niameda.

The clash of swords and the cries of battle filled the air as the vampire army engaged with the goblin forces. Vampires with lightning reflexes darted in and out of the fray, their claws slashing through goblin armor like paper. Archers loosed arrows from the shadows, picking off goblins one by one. Captain Shale and his pirate fleet sailed towards the coast, cutting off the supply lines and preventing reinforcements from arriving.

Other vampires unleashed balls of dark magic, flinging goblins through the air or summoning walls of flame to burn their foes. Kiyoshi, at the forefront of the battle, fought with a fury that was both terrifying and inspiring. His strength was legendary, his speed unmatched. He moved through the chaos like a whirlwind, cutting down any goblin foolish enough to stand in his way.

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now