𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 74: 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖋𝖊𝖑𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘

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The castle grounds were abuzz with activity as the servants prepared for the upcoming ball. The scent of flowers and incense filled the air, mingling with the sound of laughter and music. Lords and ladies from far and wide had come to celebrate the impending birth of the royal heir, their finery reflecting the hopes and dreams they had for the future of the kingdom.

"They seem eager, wouldn't you say?" Kiyoshi murmured, watching as servants scurried about, their movements a blur of color and activity.

Nia nodded in agreement, her gaze taking in the scene before them. "Indeed they are. It is heartwarming to see so many people come together to celebrate the arrival of our child. It truly shows the strength and unity of our kingdom." She placed a gentle hand on her small, round belly, feeling the baby kick and squirm within her.

"Are you prepared, my love?" Kiyoshi asked, taking Nia's hand in his. He looked down at her, his eyes filled with love and anticipation.

Nia smiled up at him, her own emotions a tangled mix of nervousness and excitement. "As much as one can be, I suppose."

The grand double doors of the throne room swung open, revealing a breathtaking sight. Lords and ladies in their finest attire crowded the room, their eyes fixed on the doorway, awaiting the arrival of the royal couple.

As they approached the throne, the guests parted like the sea, creating a path for the expectant parents. The grandmaster of ceremonies announced their arrival, and the great hall erupted into applause. Kiyoshi and Nia smiled and waved, their hearts filled with gratitude for the love and support shown by their people.

Nia's emerald green gown, intricately embroidered with gold thread, shimmered in the candlelight, drawing admiring gazes from the assembled lords and ladies. Kiyoshi, dressed in black, his chest had a gold chain the shape of the royal crest, exuded an air of authority and protectiveness that was unmistakable. Their unborn child, they were sure, would grow up in a world filled with love and protection.

The ambassadors began presenting their gifts, each one more lavish than the last. A jeweled diadem from a distant southern kingdom, a set of silk blankets embroidered with scenes of unicorns and fairies from the north, a hand-carved wooden rocking horse from a coastal village, and a beautifully illustrated book of nursery rhymes, complete with a gold quill and ink for the new mother to write her own stories.

As each gift was presented, Kiyoshi and Nia exchanged knowing glances, their hearts swelling with gratitude for the thought and care that had gone into each one. The evening wore on, and the celebration continued with music, dancing, and feasting. Kiyoshi and Nia danced together, their movements graceful and fluid, their eyes never straying far from their baby bump. They could not help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the life growing within Nia, knowing that they were about to embark on the greatest adventure of their lives: parenthood.

After a while, the ballroom door swung open, and in came Nia's father, governor Nari, and her five sisters.

"Father!" Nia exclaimed, running to embrace her father with a warm hug. "It is so good to see you here!" Her father chuckled returning her hug, "Nia, my dear," he said, "it's been too long since we've seen you. You look radiant" he added.

"Thank you, Father. It is so good to see you." Nia's sisters crowded around her, each giving her a warm embrace in turn. They were all beaming with pride and happiness, their gowns shimmering in the candlelight.

"You look so happy!" Tanisi, the youngest sister, exclaimed, her brown eyes sparkling with joy. "I cannot wait to see you as a mother, Nia."

"Is this what being a Queen feels like?" Adanna said playfully, her eyes twinkling. "If so, I might just have to reconsider my stance on marriage."

Kazi rolled her eyes at her younger sister's comment. "Oh, spare me the drama, Adanna. You know you'd be miserable as a queen."

"So, are we going to find out if it's a little prince or princess?" Ife asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Not yet, Ife. But I promise, the moment we know, you will be the first to be informed." Nia smiled, her heart swelling with love for her family. "You all have been so wonderful, and I cannot thank you enough for being here tonight. It means the world to Kiyoshi and me."

"So, tell us honestly, Nia. Has Kiyoshi changed at all since our first visit?" Kazi asked with a frown, her expression thoughtful. "I mean, he refused to grace us with his presence at our last visit."

"There have been...positive developments," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "He has been much more...affectionate, I suppose. He has always been protective, of course, but now there's a gentleness to him as well. He has been wonderful to me..." Her voice trailed off, a blush creeping up her neck.

"So, there's romance then?" Tanisi said with a sigh, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Well, yes, there is that," Nia admitted, her cheeks still pink from the mention of it. "But it's not just that. It is...difficult to explain. He is just different now. He is not as cold and distant as he used to be. He seems...happier, I suppose."

"How could he change so drastically," Asha mused, her green eyes studying Nia carefully. "I mean, I remember him as this Stoic and serious figure. Always so focused on his duties, it was hard to imagine him ever finding happiness. Yet, here you are, Nia, glowing with joy and love. It is truly remarkable."

"I cannot wait until you all get married!" Nia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy as she thought about the future. "It is going to be such a wonderful time for all of us. And I have a feeling that once this baby is born, things will only get better. The kingdoms will finally be united, and we'll all be able to live together in peace and prosperity."

Kazi laughed, "No, thank you, Nia. I think I'll pass on the broodmare role. But it's nice to see you so happy. You two make a beautiful couple, truly." She smiled warmly at the pair, her gaze lingering on Kiyoshi, who was talking to their father.

"But if he does anything to upset you, know I have my sword ready," Kazi added with a wink, causing everyone to laugh. "You deserve nothing but the best, Nia."

"Speaking of swords, I heard you are joining the Niameda army," Nia said to Kazi with a grin. "That is wonderful, dear. I know you will make an excellent commander."

" Quite excited for the challenge, sister," Kazi replied, her gaze shifting to meet Nia's. "It has been a long time coming, and I cannot wait to prove myself. Of course, I'll make sure you and your child are always safe in my care." Her expression turned solemn for a moment before she smiled again. "Now, enough of that talk. Let's enjoy the party!"

Meanwhile, Kiyoshi and Governor Nari spoke quietly at the far end of the ballroom, their voices barely audible over the merriment of the crowd.

"You seem to be handling the recent troubles with great composure, Your Majesty," Governor Nari said, inclining his head in a respectful nod. "It is clear that you have been working hard to restore order and stability to both our kingdoms."

"It has been a difficult time for all of us," Kiyoshi replied, his voice low and solemn.

"Ruling a kingdom requires strength, Your Majesty, but so does love. A king who neglects his queen's heart neglects half his kingdom." Governor Nari paused, his gaze shifting to where Nia stood with her sisters. " Glad to see that you and my daughter Nia have found happiness together. It is my hope that your bond will only continue to grow stronger in the years to come."

Kiyoshi glanced at Nia as well, his expression softening. "I share your hope, Governor. Nia has brought light and warmth into my life when I needed it most. She has been a source of strength and courage, and eternally grateful for her love."

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now