𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 75: 𝕬𝖓 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝕯𝖊𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊

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The last carriage carrying Nia's departing sisters rolled away, leaving the silence of their absence in the air. Nia and Kiyoshi stood at the castle entrance, waving goodbye to their guests, their hands intertwined. As they turned to head back inside, a group of servants rushed into the ballroom to start cleaning up. The candles flickered softly, casting dancing shadows on the marble floor.

"Your Majesties," they all bowed in unison as Nia and Kiyoshi entered the ballroom, "we hope you have had a most enjoyable evening."

"Good evening, everyone. Thank you for your hard work tonight." Nia smiled warmly, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. She turned to Kiyoshi, her eyes shining with happiness. "It was truly a wonderful evening, my love."

Kiyoshi nodded in agreement. "Yes, it was. I am grateful to everyone who helped make this night so special, and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did." He glanced around the ballroom, taking in the flickering candlelight and the soft murmur of conversation as servants busied themselves with tidying up.

As Nia and Kiyoshi walked hand-in-hand in the hallway, Nia spoke up. "Well, that was quite the evening, wouldn't you say?" She glanced over at Kiyoshi.

"Indeed. Your sisters are a lively bunch." Kiyoshi chuckled, squeezing her hand. " glad you were able to spend some quality time with them. It was heartwarming to see the love and support they have for you."

His touch sent a shiver down Nia's spine. Leaning closer, her voice dropped to a seductive whisper. "And now that they're gone," she began, trailing a finger down his arm, "perhaps we can finally have some time alone, wouldn't you agree?"

"As tempting as that sounds, Nia," he said, his voice low and regretful, "You know your condition. You are with child. You must be exhausted after such a long day. Perhaps it would be best to save ourselves for another night." He squeezed her hand gently, his thumb caressing her skin.

Nia's smile faltered slightly, "But Kiyoshi," she began, her voice dropping to a pout, "we haven't..." Her words trailed off as she looked up into his eyes, their expression unreadable.

"I know, my love," he interrupted gently, "and it pains me to say this, but you deserve a proper night's rest. Besides, wouldn't it be even more enjoyable if you weren't completely drained?"

Nia crossed her arms, the annoyance in her expression visible. Sensing her frustration, Kiyoshi offered, "Why do not I draw you a bath, hmm? A nice warm soak will ease your muscles and help you sleep soundly."

Her eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds wonderful." She smiled, squeezing his hand. "Thank you, Kiyoshi." They continued down the hallway, the servants discreetly bowing as they passed.

As they arrived at their chambers, a soft knock on the door announced the arrival of their personal attendants.

"Your Majesties," Qadira greeted them with a respectful bow. "May we assist you with your preparations for the night?"

"Yes, thank you, Qadira," Nia replied with a weary smile. "I'd like you to help me draw a bath and prepare it with some soothing oils. I could use some rest after today."

As Qadira and her assistant hurried to comply, Nia turned to Kiyoshi, a seductive smile playing on her lips. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his. "So," she began, her voice husky, "about that bath..."

"As much as I'd love to indulge you, Nia," Kiyoshi replied with a smile, resisting the urge to pull her closer, "You will take a solo bath. You need your rest!" He gently but firmly pushed her away, grinning as he did so.

Nia's smile vanished. "Kiyoshi, you know I am your wife. Don't you want to be with me?"

He took a step back, looking into her eyes. "Of course I do, my love. But as your husband, it's my duty to put your well-being first." He reached out and cupped her cheek, gently rubbing his thumb across her skin. "Besides, I know how exhausted you must be. I'd rather have you fresh and eager when we finally do get to spend some time together."

Qadira returned, "Your Majesty, the bath is ready. Shall I assist you?"

Nia nodded, her expression still troubled. "Yes, Qadira. Thank you." She followed Qadira into another room and allowed the attendant to help her undress and step into the steaming bath. As the servant poured fragrant oils into the water, Nia leaned back against the marble rim, letting out a sigh of relief. "This feels wonderful," she murmured, closing her eyes.

Kiyoshi stood nearby, watching her intently. Despite his earlier insistence on her need for rest, he could not help but feel a twinge of desire as he gazed upon her beautiful, naked form. "Do you need anything else, my love?" he asked, his voice gruff.

"You do not love me," Nia said, her eyes still closed as she spoke. "If you loved me, you would want to be with me. You would want to make love to me."

Kiyoshi frowned, torn between the need to reassure her and the desire to keep his promises. He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Nia," he began softly, "I do love you. More than anything. But I made a vow to protect you, to cherish you, and that includes making sure you are taken care of when you need it most."

"Qadira!" Nia called out, her voice still rough from the day's exertions. The servant girl quickly appeared by the bath, her eyes downcast. "I wish to have privacy. Please escort His Majesty out and close the door behind you."

"Y-y-your Majesty?" Qadira stammered, glancing between Nia and Kiyoshi uncertainly.

Kiyoshi placed a reassuring hand on the servant's shoulder. "It is all right, I shall leave." He glanced back at Nia, his expression conflicted. "Rest well, my love." With one last look at his wife, he turned and left the chamber, closing the door quietly behind him.

As Nia watched him leave, her heart ached with a mixture of desire and frustration. She knew that he meant well, but it was difficult for her to understand why he could not just give in to her wishes, even for one night. The bathwater grew cold as she sat there, her thoughts spiraling out of control. As she exited the tub and dried herself off, she put on her nightgown and she exited the room.

Nia entered their chamber and saw Kiyoshi already lying on their bed. Kiyoshi, after a moment of comfortable silence, reached out and pulled the covers back, gesturing for her to join him. Nia squared her shoulders and walked to the other side of the bed, turning her back to him.

"Nia," Kiyoshi called out softly as he sat up lightly and leaned his head against the headboard. She felt the mattress dip slightly as he moved, yet Nia stood silent and motionless. He gently placed a hand on her waist, hoping to draw her close, but she moved away from him, keeping a short distance between them. "I thought you did not want to strain me," she whispered, her voice barely above a hoarse whisper. "I thought you wanted me to rest."

"I do," he replied, his voice equally soft. "But I also want to be close to you." He hesitated for a moment, then added, "I miss being able to touch you, hold you, love you." His fingers traced gentle circles on her back, drawing her closer to him. "Please, Nia."

Nia shivered as his warm breath tickled the nape of her neck. "I... I...d-do not know what's w-wrong with me," she stammered, her voice barely audible. "I just... I just want you to hold me, Kiyoshi." She leaned back to him, feeling the familiar comfort of his body against hers. His strong arms encircled her, drawing her close as he laid her down on the bed beside him. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling deeply the familiar scent of him.

"It is all right, my love," he whispered, stroking her hair. "We'll figure this out together." He rolled over, spooning her from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around her. "For now, just rest." His hand traveled up her side, cupping her breast over the soft fabric of her nightgown. She arched her back into his touch, moaning softly as he began to tease her nipple. "We'll make love later," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "When you are stronger."

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now