𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 51: 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖉𝖞 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖘

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A surge of energy crackled within Kiyoshi as he unleashed the full force of his powers. King Grawl's eyes widened in horror as a blinding light engulfed him. His body convulsed violently, and his limbs contorted into impossible angles. The throne room erupted into a cacophony of shrieks and screams as courtiers and advisors scrambled away from the dying goblin king. Kiyoshi stood motionless; his features twisted in an expression of grim determination. As the light faded, Grawl's charred remains crumbled to ash, leaving behind only a small pile of glowing ash.

Then Kiyoshi's guards rushed into the throne room, their armor gleaming in the dim light. They surrounded the still-smoking heap of ashes that had been King Grawl, their expressions Stoic. "Inform the people," he commanded his guards, "King Grawl is dead. This kingdom is now under the protection of Ivamis."

"And what message should we convey, my Lord?" asked the captain of the guard, his voice low and respectful.

"Tell them their king brought shame upon this land," he said, his voice cold. "Tell them that he sacrificed innocent lives for personal gain. I shall return to Blightfang when time permits to guide its people into a new era. For now, I must return to my own kingdom."

With that, Kiyoshi turned his back on the scene of chaos and began to make his way toward the exit. His guards fell into step behind him, forming a protective wall around their king. As they left the throne room, the sounds of panic and confusion grew louder, and the smell of smoke and burning flesh filled the air. The goblin subjects of Grawl's kingdom would have to find their own way through the aftermath of his terrible actions.

The journey back to Ivamis was a blur of motion and swirling thoughts. Despite succeeding in his mission, Kiyoshi remained troubled. The anonymous letter, the figure behind Grawl's manipulation – the mystery lingered, taunting him. He found himself wishing he could have stayed in Blightfang, to uncover the truth and bring the perpetrator to justice. But duty called him elsewhere, and so he returned to Ivamis, his mind racing with questions that had no answers.

Days passed for Kiyoshi and his men, and soon they approached the gates of Ivamis, the city bustling with activity as if nothing had happened

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Days passed for Kiyoshi and his men, and soon they approached the gates of Ivamis, the city bustling with activity as if nothing had happened. The guards saluted him respectfully as he rode through the grand archway, their gazes lingering for just a moment on his troubled expression. He waved them off, not wanting to worry his subjects about his own concerns.

The moment he dismounted, Kiyoshi raced through the corridors, the servants parting before him like a river. He burst into the familiar chambers where Nia often sat embroidering or practicing her music. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her.

"Kiyoshi... you are back," she murmured, as she stood up and walked to him. He closed the gap between them, hugging her tightly, his features twisted with emotion. "I promised I would," he whispered, his voice hoarse.

He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching hers. "Nia... it was worse than I could have imagined," he said, his voice raw. "Grawl... he... he trafficked the children. Forced them to work, and worse." Kiyoshi briefly explained how Grawl had been an unwitting pawn in a much larger and sinister scheme. "The person who sent that letter, Nia...they orchestrated all of it," he finished, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nia's eyes widened in horror. "But why?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why would someone do such a thing?" Kiyoshi shook his head, his expression grim. "I do not know, my love. But I will find out. I promised you I would." He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "For now, I must address the people. They have the right to know what happened."

"You've done so much already, Kiyoshi. You need to rest." Nia placed a hand on his cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring. "Your people will understand. They know you did what had to be done, and they trust you. They will wait for you to find the answers you seek. I will wait with you." Her words seemed to have a calming effect on him, and he nodded, taking a deep breath.

Together, they made their way to the throne room, the guards parting before them with respectful nods. As Kiyoshi ascended the dais, he surveyed the faces of his subjects, searching for any signs of doubt or defiance. But instead, he saw only loyalty and determination. They had faith in him, and he would not let them down.

"My people," he began, his voice strong and steady. "I come before you today with a heavy heart. I have returned from Blightfang, the land of our brother, Grawl. I bring with me news that will shock and horrify you all." He paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Grawl, was nothing more than a puppet. He was manipulated by a hidden hand, one who sought to exploit the innocent for their own gain."

Kiyoshi's gaze swept across the crowd, meeting the eyes of his most trusted advisors, his generals, and his people. "I have done what needed to be done. I will not rest until the children are found and brought home. Until those responsible for this atrocity are brought to justice. I promise you, my friends, that you will have your answers. I will not let you down."

The crowd murmured, their voices filled with shock and determination. Kiyoshi felt the weight of their trust pressing down upon him, and he knew that he could not fail them. He had to find the truth and bring it to light.

As the murmuring died down, he continued, "But for now, we must come together." Kiyoshi paused, his gaze scanning the crowd once more. "I need your help. I need your strength. I need your courage. We will rebuild our kingdom, stronger than ever before. We will make sure that the innocent is never harmed again. We will find a way to heal."

The words seemed to echo through the throne room, resonating with every soul within hearing. A hush fell over the crowd, and Kiyoshi could sense a change in the air. His people were ready to stand with him, to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

He nodded; his expression resolute. "In the days to come, I will assemble a task force. We will investigate every lead, follow every trail. We will not rest until justice has been served." He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with the weight of his words. "Together, my friends, we will make Ivamis a safe haven once more."

As he finished speaking, a loud cheer erupted from the crowd, echoing off the walls and filling the throne room with their unwavering support. Kiyoshi's heart swelled with pride and gratitude, and he felt a surge of determination course through him. He would not let them down. He would find the truth, and he would bring peace back to Ivamis.

The next morning, moonlight shone through the chambers as Kiyoshi nestled closer to Nia, their bodies intertwined. A persistent knocking at the chamber door shattered the peaceful serenity of the room. Kiyoshi groaned, rolling over to face the other way. "Do they not understand I need rest?" he muttered, burying his face in the pillow. Nia giggled softly, wrapping her arms around him.

"Come in," he called out, exasperation clear in his voice. The door creaked open and in came two guards, their faces grim. "What is it?" Kiyoshi asked, sitting up in bed.

"My Lord," the captain of the guard began, his voice low and heavy, "there's... there's been an incident involving Lady Elspeth."

Nia and Kiyoshi exchanged concerned glances as the captain continued. "Explain," Kiyoshi said sharply.

The captain's gaze darted between Kiyoshi and Nia before he continued. "Lady Elspeth... she was found dead at the foot of the cliff overlooking the west gardens."

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now