𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 61: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖞𝖆𝖑 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓

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Daemon spun around, his eyes widening in disbelief as he saw his brother standing before him. King Kiyoshi looked every bit the sovereign he was, his posture regal and his expression stern. The tension between them was palpable, like two great predators circling each other before the hunt. For a moment, neither man spoke.

"Well, well," Daemon drawled, his voice dripping with false amusement, "the prodigal brother finally graces us with his presence. What brings you to these parts, Kiyoshi?"

"Your deception ends here, Daemon," he said calmly. "You have been found guilty of treason against our family and our kingdom. You will face justice for your crimes."

"Justice? You want to talk about justice? You, who stole the throne that was rightfully mine?" Daemon spat the words venomously. "You murdered our father, and you have the gall to speak of justice? You are no king, Kiyoshi. You are a usurper, a fraud! A coward who hides behind lies and deceit."

He took a step forward, the anger and betrayal coursing through him like molten lava. His fangs elongated, and his eyes glowed crimson as he prepared to attack his brother. He lunged for Kiyoshi, unleashing a surge of crimson energy that engulfed the alleyway, but to his surprise, the king merely stood there, unmoved. The energy wave dissipated harmlessly around him.

Kiyoshi, drawing on his years of training, unleashed a powerful bolt of black energy that slammed into Daemon, sending him flying through the air. The force of the impact sent him hurtling into the far wall of the alley, knocking the breath from his lungs. "Give it up, Kiyoshi," he gasped, struggling to rise to his feet. "Ivamis was never meant for you. It should have been mine!"

Kiyoshi, seizing a momentary opening, channeled his magic and sent a powerful gust of wind at his brother. Daemon was sent tumbling several feet before landing hard on the cobblestones, his breath knocked out of him once again. The king advanced cautiously, his features etched with determination.

"Why, Daemon?" Kiyoshi demanded, his voice raspy. "Why betray our kingdom, our family?" He took another step forward, his eyes boring into his brother's.

A strained cough escaped Daemon's lips. Blood dribbled down his chin, staining his once pristine robes. He wiped his mouth, smearing the blood across his cheek. "Why, Kiyoshi? Why do you ask such a foolish question? It is not like you to pretend ignorance. You know why as well as I do." His words were barely audible, but they carried a weight that pierced the very soul of Kiyoshi.

"Power," Daemon whispered, the word carrying a weight that seemed to echo through the alleyway. "The throne that was rightfully mine, usurped by you, the bastard son."

"Lies! Mother and Father loved you more than life itself!" Kiyoshi's voice cracked, betraying the depth of his anguish.

"Lies?" Daemon's voice grew stronger, "You, the product of an illicit affair, while I, the true heir, was cast aside." He struggled to his feet, the anger and bitterness coursing through him like a living thing. "They should have raised me as their son, given me the throne that was rightfully mine. Instead, they chose you."

"Elspeth... Did you kill her? Did you?" Kiyoshi's voice was a cold knife through the heart, his hands shaking as he fought to control the rage that threatened to consume him.

Daemon's lips twisted into a cruel smile. "Yes, my precious wife. Had to be dealt with, you see. A nuisance and an obstacle to my plan. So many things I could have done to her, but alas, she had to die." He paused, relishing the pain that registered on Kiyoshi's face. "She was having an affair with one of my accomplices, you see." He chuckled darkly. "I found out, and there was only one thing to do. I could not let her ruin my plans, could I?"

"Arrangement? You mean the murder of innocent children! All for what? A throne that clearly isn't yours!" Kiyoshi spat, his hands shaking with anger. "Who put you up to this, Daemon? Who poisoned your mind with lies and twisted your ambition into this murderous rage?"

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now