𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 68: 𝕵𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖞 𝖙𝖔 𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖒

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Kiyoshi stormed out of the castle gates, his men falling into formation around him. The wounded were supported by their fellow soldiers, while the goblins from Madoc's army were roughly bounded.

"My people!" Kiyoshi's voice boomed, echoing through the courtyard. "Today, we take back our kingdom from the darkness! We will find the children that Madoc has stolen from us, and we will bring them home!" The words seemed to ignite a spark within the soldiers, their weary faces transforming into determination. They cheered, their voices raised in defiance and hope.

Suddenly, a new sound cut through the air – Thalasar and his elves. Every elf, from the seasoned archer to the young archers were unharmed by the previous battle, their faces harsh and fierce. Moments later, Captain Shale and his band of pirates, their swords gleaming in the sunlight, their faces a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. Several goblins, bound and gagged, were dragged alongside them.

Kiyoshi nodded his thanks to both leaders. "Thalasar, your presence is more than appreciated. Captain Shale, your support is invaluable. We stand united against the darkness that has plagued our kingdom." The elves and pirates bowed their heads in respect as the soldiers cheered.

"It was nothing, my friend," Thalasar replied, his eyes glinting with determination. "You saved my kingdom from the plague Madoc had caused. It is the least I could do."

"Aye, it was our honor" Captain Shale agreed, his gruff voice carrying across the courtyard.

"We move out at dawn," he declared. "I have found the map that will lead us to the children. We will take back what Madoc has stolen, and we will restore peace to our kingdom." His voice was strong, unwavering, and the soldiers around him nodded grimly in agreement. The wounded were tended to, and the captives guarded, as the night fell over the castle.

Meanwhile, within the castle walls, Queen Nia laid on her chamber's bed, her dark skin pale and her breath shallow. The connection with Kiyoshi had left her drained, a constant ache thrumming beneath her skin. Nia shifted restlessly, her hand instinctively rubbing her very small baby bump. "Serena, I appreciate your concern," she said, her voice raspy. "But truly, I feel fine."

"Fine?" she scoffed, glancing down at her sister-in-law with a knowing look. "You collapsed in the courtyard. I have never seen you like that. You need to rest. You are carrying my nephew or niece, after all."

"The physician said absolute rest, remember? The baby needs it just as much as you do," Serena insisted, frowning slightly as she studied her sister-in-law. Nia let out a small sigh, knowing that Serena was probably right.

Two days had passed since Kiyoshi and his army had departed Niameda to rescue the children. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at the edge of the Whispering Glade. Kiyoshi had been here twice, yet he had never suspected that the children would be held in the very center of the glade. "Whispering Glade," Kiyoshi muttered to himself. "What a cruel irony."

Kiyoshi scanned the area. In the distance, the opening of a cave could be seen. "Thalasar," Kiyoshi said, his voice firm, "I want you and your men to stay outside. Guard the perimeter. If anything approaches, anything at all, sound the alarm." The elf nodded, and quickly moved to gather his men. They spread out, forming a circle around the glade, their bows at the ready.

"Captain Shale," Kiyoshi addressed the pirate captain, "I need you and your men to secure the entrance and the surrounding area. Take no chances. If you see any goblins, capture them. Alive, if possible."

The pirate captain nodded and gave a curt salute before leading his men to the cave entrance. With a nod, Kiyoshi and Captain Loran entered the cave. The air inside was cold and damp, and the sound of dripping water filled their ears. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they could see the outline of the tunnel leading deeper into the glade. Kiyoshi took a deep breath and began to walk, Captain Loran following close behind.

The cave wasn't deep, but it twisted and turned, forcing them to move slowly and carefully. Kiyoshi could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his senses on high alert. Captain Loran, ever the loyal soldier, followed silently behind him.

Then a goblin leaped out from the shadows, hissing and baring its teeth. Captain Loran drew his sword in an instant and attacked the creature, "Loran, I shall go and find the children. You stay behind and secure the path." Kiyoshi ordered, parrying the goblin's claws with his own sword. The pirate captain nodded, and quickly engaged the goblin in battle. Kiyoshi continued deeper into the glade, his senses on high alert. The air grew colder, and the ice beneath his feet cracked with each step.

It was then he saw it – an archway carved into the ice, leading to a hidden chamber deep within the glade. Kiyoshi's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the chamber was where the children were being held. He approached the archway cautiously, sword at the ready. As he stepped through, he found himself in a small room with pale lighting. There he saw a group of about 100 vampire children from Ivamis and human children from Niameda, all of them pale and sickly, hunched over as they plucked Necroshade berries...

Anger and determination surged through Kiyoshi as he took in the sight before him. He clenched his fists, the cold of the glade seeming to penetrate his very core. The children were being used as little more than slaves, forced to pick the vile Necroshade berries that were poisonous to both humans, elves and vampires. All this happening in his own kingdom, under his nose. He could not believe it.

Before Kiyoshi could take another step, two tall goblins appeared, blocking his path. They chuckled menacingly, revealing long, sharp fangs. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The king himself has come to free his little playthings," the larger of the two goblins sneered. "I do not think that is such a good idea."

Kiyoshi's fury burned hotter than ever. He wouldn't let these creatures harm the children. With the flick of his wrist, dark magic surged through him, enhancing his strength and speed. In a blur of motion, he charged forward, fighting past the two goblins and into the chamber. The children, startled by the commotion, looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. "It is all right," he reassured them, his voice calm and steady. "I am here to help you."

His gaze darted towards the goblin guards, who were now on their feet. They charged at him, their claws and teeth bared. Kiyoshi met them head-on, as he channeled more of his dark magic that pulsed within him. He dodged their attacks effortlessly, his movements fluid and graceful despite the confined space. One goblin leaped at him, but Kiyoshi spun out of the way, catching the creature by surprise and plunging his sword deep into its chest. The other goblin, seeing its companion fall, panicked and tried to flee. However, Kiyoshi was too fast; he lunged forward, his hands glowing with arcane energy, and sent a blast of dark magic hurtling towards the goblin. The creature let out a piercing shriek as it was engulfed in the blast, and collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

Kiyoshi took a moment to catch his breath, gazing around the chamber. The children, still visibly shaken from their ordeal, stared at him terrified. "Don't be afraid," he said, his voice rough but gentle. "I am here to take you home."

His words, though meant to comfort, seemed to have the opposite effect. A young vampire girl, no older than ten, whimpered and huddled closer to a human boy, her brother. The boy, no more than eight, looked up at Kiyoshi with pleading eyes. "Who are you?" the boy asked, his voice barely a whisper. "Are you going to take our berries too?"

"No," he said, kneeling before them. "Those berries are dangerous. They're making you sick."

"They make us strong," the young boy insisted, his lower lip beginning to quiver. "They make us strong like Daddy." Kiyoshi looked at the boy, then at the girl, and then back at the group of other children, all of them looking at him for an answer.

"You do not need that kind of power," Kiyoshi said gently. "You have your own strength, your own courage. Now come with me. We're going to get you out of here." The children exchanged frightened glances, clearly unsure whether to trust the king. Kiyoshi understood their fear, but he knew he had to convince them. He reached out, taking the young vampire girl's hand in his own. "I promise you, I will not let anything bad happen to you."

The girl looked up at him with wide, tear-filled eyes, and then slowly nodded her head. One by one, the other children followed suit, their hesitation giving way to tentative trust. Kiyoshi rose to his feet, helping the youngest ones up as well, and then led them out of the chamber and back through the twisting tunnels of the mine. The journey was long and arduous, but with each step they took away from the Necroshade berries and the goblin guards, Kiyoshi could feel a weight lifting from their shoulders.

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now