Chapter 1

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(I know the first few chapters are a bit longer in terms of what is typical on Wattpad, but trust me this story is so so worth it! I did the 8 Chapter Challenge, so the first are longer like a traditional book, but I do start to break them up more like we're used to on here. Cheers to my first book!)

Shadows. They can add depth to pictures, helping to create contrast. In some instances, shadows can even be the main focus of a picture. However, more times than not, they cast sharply and ruin an image trying to be captured.

Unfortunately, I am way too used to being stuck with the problematic option.

A solid hour straight of dimming the lights and moving around my curtains in attempt to make interesting subject matters for a photography assignment that I have due tonight has really got me questioning the purpose of this project. My professor claims that this will help us learn how to best balance photos, but I think he must find enjoyment in the absurd pictures that everyone is submitting.

This week's assignment asked us to capture a breathe of different uses of shadows with every day items around our homes. Does anyone really care to look at how my toaster oven casts a shadow onto my paper towels? Doubtful.

Being in my fourth year as a photography major, I have done many tedious and seemingly pointless photoshoots. Don't get me wrong- I absolutely love photography, and I couldn't think of another major that I'd care about more. I love the idea of capturing the moment and preserving it for the future. I find myself scrolling back through past years on my camera roll or looking through old memory cards way too often.

While I'm happy with my choice of major, I honestly don't know exactly what I want to do when I graduate. Hopefully this semester my classes will have more advanced projects, so I can really learn what I like, since many of my classes have focused mainly on basic principles.

I'll need to decide, sooner rather than later, if I want to work with humans, animals, nature, sports ... the possibilities are nearly limitless. Although, I can say with certainty that I don't want to photograph stupid little home appliances and decorations.

Actually, photographing a show room could be cool, but my apartment is far from being featured in a magazine. It might not be the epitome of a catalogue feature or even good enough for Pinterest, but it was a great home junior and now senior year. After living in the dorms my first two years at college, moving to an apartment walking-distance from campus was an upgrade. I had so many ideas for decor, but I quickly realized how expensive most things are. Realizing I'd rather spend my money on other things than just decorations to stare at, I gave up my ideas for a really cute apartment.

My roommate and best friend, Kennedy, has always enjoyed the minimalistic style and would rather use her time and energy towards studying than decorating a temporary apartment. Even though I know I won't have this place forever, I'm still attached, and I'm really going to miss it when I move out over summer.

Maybe I should also figure out where in the world I'm moving, but I guess I need to know what I want to do before deciding where. While I wish I could just pack up and move wherever, I know that I need some stability in my life first. Preferably in the form of a big girl job that pays lots of money.

While I have some money saved up to goof around, I know it's not enough to sustain me after I graduate. Especially if I'm not able to keep my scholarship for spring semester. If I fuck up, then I'm really going to have to worry about what I can and can not do in life.

I was lucky enough to get a scholarship that covered most of my tuition throughout all of college. I just need to maintain over a 3.0 GPA this semester to keep it for spring. Some general studies science and theory classes brought my GPA down a bit last semester, so I really can't screw it up this time.

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