Chapter 58

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I woke up to having to run to the bathroom, feeling like I'm going to throw up. Getting my period after a night of drinking and waking up hungover is a horrible combination. I can't tell if I'm going to throw up, or if my body is shutting down. All I know it that I feel horrible.

Bawdy must be even more tired than I am after playing a show, so I'm trying not to wake him. Although, my coughing and gagging isn't helping to keep me quiet.

I hear a light knock on the door. "You good in there, Gianna?" I guess I failed at keeping myself quiet.

"Just not feeling the best," I choke out. I'm worried that if I open my mouth too much, that's going to be the end of it.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

I'm curled up on the floor looking like I'm going to die next to this toilet. "Um, sure," I reply. I really don't want to die here alone. Probably better to let him in now.

He opens the door, and a worried expression is drawn across his face. "Oh, baby girl, what's wrong?" He asks, and I explain the bulldozers going through my stomach.

Bawdy brings me water and helps me move from the bathroom to the bed. He even thinks to bring over a garbage can in case I throw up. I'm hoping that the feeling will pass, but I'm feeling horribly nauseous.

"Is there anything that I can do?" He asks after tucking me under a sheet and scratching my head.

I curl into a ball and reply, "Maybe some medicine. The first day of my period is never the best, and the drinking didn't help."

Bawdy pulls out his phone and sends someone out to pick up some medicine for me. He puts his phone in front of my face, and I try to focus my vision on the screen. A picture of us kissing at the concert last night fills his phone. "If people didn't know before, then they definitely know now," Bawdy says.

"That's what you wanted, right?" I ask, starting to second guess if this was the right approach.

He continues stroking my hair as I scroll through a feed of people going crazy over Bawdy kissing a girl. "Baby girl, I want the whole world to know that you're mine. You're everything that I've ever wanted." I scroll through and see some posts talking negatively about Bawdy throwing everything away for some nobody. He sees what I'm reading and pulls his phone away from me. "And I don't give a shit what anyone else says. They're just jealous that they can't have you. You're mine, and no one can ever take that away."

I feel tears filling my eyes, and for once it's tears of joy threatening to escape. I'm probably over reacting from being a bit emotional this time of the month, but he just makes me feel so special. "Has Chelsea said anything?"

He groans. "Oh, yeah, I'm supposed to call her this afternoon before heading out to that dinner later." He plants a kiss on my forehead. "Nothing that you need to worry about."

Even though he says that, I still feel bad about being the reason that he's probably going to get lectured about his actions. I do know that he'd never let anyone walk all over him, so I really shouldn't worry too much about him.

He gets ready to meet up with the rest of his band for some meetings before a dinner tonight. I was supposed to go with to dinner, but I don't think I'd make it with how I'm feeling right now.

There's knock on the door, and Bawdy answers it, walking back in with multiple bags. "I wasn't sure what exactly would help you, so I got everything suggested online."

When he says everything, he really meant it. Bawdy pulls out multiple types of heating pads, icepacks, medicine, snacks, and chocolate. The holy grail of surviving a period and hangover.

"You didn't have to do all this. I would have survived," I say.

"But I wanted to. I always want to help make your life easier. I can skip out on the meetings if you'd rather me stay."

Him offering to skip his meetings means more than he'll ever know. I could never ask him to do that. I'll probably just end up trying to sleep off the cramps. "No, no, don't cancel things because of me. If I'm able to fall asleep, I'll just be lying here until you get back."

"If you need me at all, you tell me, and I'll come right back." He's cute when he's worried. It's just a bad period month, and I usually only ever feel bad the first one or two days. At least I know that he'll always be willing to take care of me.

He walks to his suitcase and digs out a pill bottle. "If you can't fall asleep, maybe try one of these." He sets the bottle next to the bed by all of the supplies. "It'll knock you out until I get back."

Bawdy kisses me goodbye and asks for the hundredth time if I'll be alright alone. I assure him that I just need to let the nausea pass, and I'll hopefully be good as new later.

After he leaves, I toss and turn, trying to fall asleep. Unfortunately, the pain in my stomach that is now moving to my lower back certainly isn't helping me. I decide to take one of the pills that he left out for me. Within a half hour, I can barely keep my eyes open and fall into a dreamless sleep state.

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