Chapter 21

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We make our way outside, and I drop the "it's getting late, and we have a long drive back, and I have class in the morning" excuse.

My mom insists on walking us out to the front, and her jaw drops when she sees the limo. His driver had pulled away to get gas as we entered earlier.

"Are you going to the Oscars after this?" She asks, shocked by the huge vehicle.

"Oh, he came from a work event," I reply. No reason to include that regardless of him having time to get back to his own car, he would have rather drank. Maybe he wasn't even short on time and just needed an excuse as to why he was in his limo.

I try to shake the idea from my head. I don't think he'd lie to me.

My mom tries to process the limo and almost faints when the driver steps out to open the door for us. We say our goodbyes, and Bawdy thanks her for dinner. For someone who looks so tough, he really can be a sweetheart.

"Make sure to get enough sleep and drink some tea. You sound like you're getting a cold with how much you've been sniffing tonight." My mom says as her parting words for us.

Once the door is closed, I exhale. "Shit, was I really sniffing that much?" I ask Bawdy.

"A bit," he laughs. "And what would she do if she knew it was from coke?"

I shake my head back and forth. "Her head would probably explode or she'd try to cleanse my soul through sound healing."

He puts his arm around me. "They weren't that bad."

"I'm more so worried about what they could be talking about now that we left." I could tell by some mannerisms that my family was doing its best to be kind, but they've never interacted with someone like Bawdy. I'm worried they may be judgmental, especially regarding his looks and lifestyle.

"Well, you're not there to have to worry about it, so take your mind off of it." He kisses my cheek and then moves down to my neck. I feel my body start to awaken, and I scoot closer to him. He pulls away to pour us drinks.

"So, I didn't hear anything about Amsterdam yet," I say. It's still bothering me, and I can't bear the thought of him leaving when we're only just starting something between each other. I'm worried that I might be falling for him faster than he is for me. What if he didn't even think that he'd keep me around until spring?

He takes a sip and answers casually. "It just got finalized, but it's not added onto my website or open for tickets yet."

That didn't make me feel any better. I'm not the general public. I shouldn't have to wait until his social media manager posts about it.

"Oh, well that's really awesome." I don't know why this is bothering me so much. "But, I just thought you'd tell me sooner."

He looks confused. "I mean you could just come with." But does he want me to come with? How long has he known about this?

"I still have school next semester."

"Fuck that. Trust me. Amsterdam is way more fun." He finishes his drink.

"I need to finish my last semester. I didn't get this far for nothing." I'm sure Amsterdam is way more fun than doing assignments, but I didn't work this hard and long for nothing."We all can't just get up and go on trips whenever we want like you."

He looks a bit taken aback. "Gianna, come on. You know what I meant." I don't think I do know. "Don't let this stress you out."

A lot easier said than done. I already was worrying about work and my parents meeting him and now he's going to be gone in spring. I don't even know any more details like what dates he'll be gone. I might be overreacting about this piece of information too much, but it was just another weight added to my pile of panic, and I think this extra piece broke me.

Bawdy leans over and starts kissing my neck again, moving his hand to my crotch. He starts to rub against me and bites onto my neck. As much as I'd usually want to lose myself in his touch, I really am not feeling it.

"I don't really feel like doing anything. I think I'm getting a headache," I say quietly.

"Come on, baby girl. I miss you, and I just sat through dinner with your family." He's acting like he deserves a reward for doing that, and my body is the prize. He continues to kiss me, moving his mouth towards mine.

I turn away. "Seriously, I'm not in the mood."

He pulls away, looking annoyed. "You know I left a really cool event just to come spend the night with you."

Does he want an award for doing something so normal as going to dinner with his girl's family? I guess I'm not technically his girlfriend yet. We haven't talked about anything official, but him coming here must mean something. I think I would at least consider myself his girl, but the way he's treating me like a hole to stick his dick into is making me think otherwise.

"And I appreciate that." I'm trying not to have a short temper. "But, I really just don't want to do anything tonight, okay?"

"I bet I could get you to change your mind."

"I don't want to change my mind."

He seems to drop the subject, turning his attention to a bottle of whiskey. His lips might not have been on mine the rest of the car ride, but they certainly were greeting the bottle multiple times.

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