Chapter 22

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I got too distracted by my manager's email last week that I never ended up booking my drone slot for class when I had planned on it. The one time I was on top of things to sign up right after class. But then, like always, I forgot.

We get to keep the drones out for two days, but I wasn't able to pick mine up until after 8:00pm on Wednesday. The poor TA who was tasked to be in charge of drone distribution definitely judged me for getting my drone at the last possible minute.

It's not like I would have even had time to work on this last week. I feel like I was busy almost every second since Bawdy showed up at my work.

Although, my week is a bit foggy from drinking so much. I guess I did fill a good amount of time getting drunk, but it was called for after losing my fucking job. Once I finish up this project, I need to actually sit down and find myself another job.

I'm not super low on money, but I'd better not put this off for too long or I'll fuck myself over.

I walk out of the pick-up building lugging the huge bag that I have filled with the drone and all of its gadgets. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out cameras, so hopefully this technology isn't impossible. Iris already got hers done, so at least I have someone ready to help if I can't figure it out.

I really want to take a drive down to the beach and get some cool shots, but that's going to be pretty hard to make time for in the next two days. I need to get the photos done tomorrow, so I can spend all of Friday putting together the project. I'm supposed to go to an event with Bawdy on Saturday, but I've been ignoring most of his texts since I last saw him after dinner at my parents.

I just don't want to get too attached and then he leaves me for another country.

It's upsetting me more than it should, but I can feel myself getting closer to wanting to respond. Then again, I also felt a bit off put by how he kept pushing to fuck me in the limo.

I just need a little time to process.

Finally, I make it to my street. This bag is getting heavy, and I know I can't drag it on the ground no matter how much I want to. I pause to switch arms and find myself being stunned by a flash.

"Miss, is it true that you're dating Bawdy?" A man with oily hair and a large camera shouts in my face.

He takes another photograph. "Huh?" I mutter.

"Has it finally happened?" he asks into a small recording device. "Has Bawdy settled or is he still on the market?"

How the fuck did the paparazzi find me? My heart rate accelerates as I see him wave over another man with a camera who was down the street. I nervously gulp.

The second man gets in my face immediately."Is it true that Bawdy has a secret child?"

I've never even heard that rumor before. There's no way. I hope.

"Um, I'm sorry, no thank you," I say as I try to walk past them. I shouldn't even be apologizing to these fuckers, but I need to be polite so they don't get angrier with me.

"Please, miss, what's your name?" The first man says, following me and snapping more photographs.

I try to speed up, but the larger man grabs onto my wrist. My eyes widen and I hold my breath, unsure of how to get out of this. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes.

Crying isn't going to help me. There's no way this is happening to me.

With his hand on my wrist, the man growls. "Just answer a few short questions." He tugs me backwards, and I almost stumble. "Now, what's your name? Why have you been spotted with Bawdy on multiple occasions?"

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