Chapter 9

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(Quick little note that this chapter has the first of sexy scenes in the book. It does get pretty detailed, so be mindful if that's something you like to read! Personally, I do like my romances with lots of smut, so here you go ;) )

"Who did those fuckers think they were trying to hit on you persistently." Bawdy takes off his performance shirt and throws it on the ground, revealing his chiseled muscles. I could tell through his shirt how well built he is, but seeing it in person is really bringing my imagination to life. And he looks even hotter than I could have imagined.

He puts on a short sleeve black shirt, and I feel a wave of disappointment. I could have stared at his shirtless body the whole night, but I doubt I would have even been able to listen to a word that came out of his mouth.

"It's okay. I unfortunately know how to handle creepy men. They usually leave me alone after saying no a couple times. I guess I'm usually not completely alone like I was."

During the concert, I left the VIP area and went to use the bathroom. Two guys intercepted me on my way back and kept trying to ask to get me a drink and to dance with them. "No thank you" didn't appear to be in their vocabulary, so I just tried walking away after politely declining.

Unfortunately for me, they didn't like that too much, and one of them pulled my arm, almost making me fall over as I tried to keep balance. That's when I started to panic a little, because these two guys were way bigger than me. I hate being the one to make a scene, so I didn't want to just start screaming and scare everyone around me. But, I was starting to feel really scared.

Luckily, someone working security saw them literally trying to drag me away, and I made panicked eye contact with him. Security helped to escort me back to the VIP area. He was really sweet, which almost wouldn't be expected from someone who was well over six feet tall with a large scar across his shaved head.

The security guard alerted the VIP area about the two men in case they tried to make their way to me. The men working the VIP area knew that I was with Bawdy and knew that he would go ballistic hearing this. They promised me that the men would be kicked out of the venue, and security would make sure to keep an eye on me.

"I'm okay at least. The security was really nice and helpful."

"Kicking them out wasn't enough. Those idiots should be banned for life. If I would have seen it happen, I would have killed them."

Usually saying you want to kill someone is used as an exaggerated expression, but I honestly don't doubt that he would have. At the very least he would have beat them into a very critical condition and then made sure no doctor would help to treat them, so they'd just be in violent pain.

For some reason I'm not even disturbed by that idea. Oddly enough, I find myself enjoying the thought of him hurting someone for me. Of course only if they deserve it.

He continues. "From now on, I'm having my own security look after you at venues. I never want to hear that anyone dares to put a hand on you again."

I was already a bit turned on from when his shirt was off, and this protectiveness is only adding to my desire to have him.

And he said "from now on." Maybe I'm reading into the phrase too much, but that certainly means that he wants me to stick around. I catch myself almost smiling at the thought of him wanting me around.

Except my smile is stopped by a crashing sound of a vase shattering against a wall.

Bawdy screams, "God, what the fuck did they think they were doing. They don't deserve to even breathe the same air as someone like you."

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