Chapter 38

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"How'd that sound?" Bawdy asks with a proud smile on his face.

"Amazing as always," I reply while lounging on a bean bag outside of his recording room. He walks out of the recording room and plops down next to me. He needed to do some studio work, and I needed to get some homework done, so we compromised by having me get work done while he works.

Although, it's not helping that all I want to do is stare at him and listen to him sing and play the guitar. I can really tell that he loves what he does, and it makes me even happier that he wanted me to see the behind the scenes of his process.

It's also not helping that we're sipping on seltzers. That part is definitely slowing down my process, but it's a Saturday. Granted it's only 2:00pm, but there's plenty of daygers going on anyways, so it's not entirely out of the ordinary.

"But do you really need go to work tonight," he asks giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Don't guilt trip me like that," I say laughing. I let out a sigh and stretch my arms. "And, yes, you know I'm scheduled and have to be there."

"Alright, alright," he says backing off from asking me.

There's a knock on the door, and his bass guitar player comes in.

"Hey, what's up, you ready?" Bawdy asks Kyler.

"Yeah, I'm ready. You seem in a surprisingly good mood given all the shit online," Kyler says with a worried expression.

Bawdy physically tenses. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"You really didn't see?"

"See what?" Bawdy asks raising his voice. "Tell me what the fuck is going on." He stands up and moves over to Kyler.

"You might want to pull up Twitter."

"Is this some more stupid tabloid shit?" Bawdy asks while reaching for where his phone is charging.

He opens his phone and must see whatever it is right away. "God fucking dammit." Bawdy slams his phone down.

"What's going on?" I ask feeling left out.

"See for yourself," Bawdy says throwing his phone at me. It lands on the bean bag, and I pick it up to see what all the commotion is about. My heart is already racing with worry.

I look at the screen and am met with a picture of Bawdy fully nude. Casually posted on Twitter. I swipe to his notifications, and he is being tagged in hundreds if not thousands of tweets with the same image. I feel sick for him.

The only bright side that I can see from this is that he looks good. Really fucking good. Flexing his abs and holding his hard dick. But, that's beside the point. This picture shouldn't be out there for the world to see.

"Do you know who leaked this?" I ask with worry.

Bawdy looks like his head is going to explode. "Fuck, I don't send many pictures like that out of fear that shit like this will happen." He looks back at his phone and then looks at me. "It was Rose. I remember only sending that to her a bit ago."

I could already tell that she was a bitch when I met her, but who does something like this to someone? Especially to someone famous. She knows that a picture like that would spread like wildfire. It's never going to truly be gone from the internet.

"Oh, I remember that whore," Kyler says. "I'm sorry this happened, man."

"Why would she do that?" I ask. I can never understand why someone would do something sick like this.

"Because she's fucking psychotic and jealous of you. No one in their right mind would share a picture like that." His hands curl into fists, and his rage is palpable. "I really didn't need this shit right now." He kicks his foot against the bean bag.

"I can talk with the publicist if you want," Kyler says, trying to help.

"Chelsea is going to kill me," Bawdy says with irritation. He breaks the anger for a second. "But, yeah, thanks. I don't want to have to deal with this. Let's cancel practice too. I can't do this right now."

Kyler nods and starts to head out the door. "Let me know if you need anything, dude."

"Is killing Rose an option?"

"Unfortunately, I don't think having people talk about you murdering someone instead of your nude is a good move. Try not to beat yourself up about it," he says and leaves.

Bawdy storms over to a fridge in the room and pulls out a bottle of whiskey. He flicks off the cap onto the floor and takes a big swig. I hear him cursing underneath his breath. I want to try to comfort him, but I can tell that he needs a minute to himself.

I'd ask him if he's okay but that seems like a stupid question. "Can I do anything for you?" I ask while standing up and taking a step towards him.

"Yeah, never fucking leak pictures of me," he says with anger.

"You know I'd never do that," I say, my voice soft.

"I didn't think she'd do this either." He takes another long drink out of the bottle.

"You know that you can trust me," I say trying to comfort him.

"I'm just so fucking pissed." Well, that still doesn't give him an excuse to take it out on me, but I let it slide since his emotions are running rampant.

"Fuck that little bitch. I wish I still had pictures of her to get back at her."

"Come on, I know you'd never do something like that to someone."

Fighting leaked nudes with the other person's pictures seems like a scummy way to deal with the situation. I hope he's not actually serious about that idea. I guess it's good to know that he didn't save anything from her.

"She deserves it. But I'd never stoop to her fucking level." He stomps into the studio room, bringing the bottle with him.

"I did not need this right now, FUCK!" He throws the bottle against the wall, and it shatters everywhere. I jump backwards at the sound.

"That bitch is dead. She doesn't deserve a future," he says while picking up his guitar and gripping it hard. I start to walk towards the door of the recording room hesitantly.

Bawdy starts to scream and beats his guitar against the ground until it's falling apart. My heart starts to beat faster. I'm worried that he's going to hurt himself. Next, he kicks his foot into the large drum, creating a hole.

As he works to pull his foot out, I step into the room. I know he won't hurt me, and there's no point in letting him destroy all of this equipment. I've seen him have a short tempter before, but this is taking it to the next level.

If I don't stop this rampage, who knows what else he'll destroy in the process.

"Bawdy," I say a bit too quietly. Now he's gripping onto a pair of drumsticks looking like he's going to snap them in half. "Bawdy!" I repeat. He doesn't turn around. I can see that he is breathing heavily. That doesn't work, so I resort to his actual name. "Will!" Still nothing. "William!" I screech.

That finally got his attention, but I don't think he liked hearing that. He turns around and yells, "Don't call me that!" While whipping the guitar sticks towards me. I scream and duck in time, and they miss my head.

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