Chapter 7

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"Maybe one more before we go. A half shot," I half-slur to Kennedy and Iris when we see that the Uber is two minutes away.

"Start pouring," Iris responds.

After the horrid amount of school work that I completed this week, I'm ready to completely forget about my week and have a good time tonight. Bawdy, being the literal sweetest human on the planet, said I could bring along anyone who I wanted. Even if this goes no where with him, the girls and I are getting free stuff out of it, so it's worth it.

We get to Crimson Core where I met Bawdy at the meet-and-greet last week. Again, we get in quickly through the VIP line.

One of the openers is playing, and I send a quick message to Bawdy.

Gianna: We're here. Can't wait to see you perform.

I contemplated sending a heart at the end, but then talked myself out of it. We haven't even kissed yet, and I don't want to read into this whole situation too much and then get disappointed. I doubt he'll even see my message before he performs.

"Do you want to grab a drink now or later?" Kennedy leans in to ask us.

"Honestly, I feel like I should wait a bit," I laugh. Iris agrees and laughs along with me. I think we're all feeling those shots that we took before.

It's going to be a good night. I can feel it.

We head over to the VIP dance floor area and start dancing as the first opener finishes up his set. Once he ends, we decide to take some photos as the second opener sets up. While taking some pictures on my phone, I notice a new text.

Bawdy: I want to see you before. Tell me when you see this, and I'll send someone to bring you backstage.

I have to reread the text to make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. He really wants to see me before he performs. I always imagined artists meditating or some shit before going out, so I really don't know what to expect. I'd definitely be way too nervous to speak to anyone before going on stage.

I guess this is why he's the singer and not me. Well, one of the reasons. I also can't sing and have little to no musical bones in my body.

Gianna: I'm right outside the VIP dance area entrance.

Within no more than two minutes after sending my text, I hear someone say, "Gianna, hey."

I turn around and recognize the one security guy, Henry. Before I can say anything, Kennedy speaks up. "Hey there." I see her biting her lip a little bit and know that she only does that when she's working up the courage to be flirty.

Henry's serious face softens when he looks at her and smiles. "Didn't know you'd be here too. It's good to see you."

As much as I'd want Kennedy to go after a guy, I know that she is one of the busiest people on the planet. She schedules most of her weeks way in advance and is going to be swamped with clinicals this semester.

"Could they come back with me?" I ask.

Henry lets out a sigh. "I really wish I could say yes. It's a bit hectic to bring three more people back. A bit of a liability. We're a little short-staffed tonight."

I can tell by his tone that something bad must have happened before. One semi-drunk girl seems like a manageable addition, but I can't blame him or Bawdy's team for not wanting three whole basically strangers back there.

Iris chimes in, "it's alright, me and Ken will be just fine. Let us know when," she leans in towards me and winks, "or if, you'll be meeting us back out here."

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