Chapter 19

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Bawdy: I'll be there in 15 minutes. Sorry I'm running late.

Usually I don't mind being late, but I need every part of the universe on my side tonight, so Bawdy can make the best first impression on my parents.

I reapply a coat of lipstick and check myself in the mirror one last time. I did my best to hide the bags underneath my eyes.

After getting back around 5:00am going out on Saturday, I slept in really late on Sunday. I freaked out about some blood that came out of my nose, but Bawdy assured me that it was a pretty common occurrence after trying coke. He even offered to look into ensuring that he gets an even finer grain if I'm ever going to be wanting more. A sweet gesture in terms of drug use.

I wish that I had the clarity and energy that came with the coke to help get me through how exhausted I've been. Not that I'd be doing drugs alone not out at a party, but I wish I could get that energy some other way. My closest substitute has been countless cups of coffee.

Last night, I had to pull myself together and get a bunch of homework done. I stayed up super late working and dragged myself to my 9:00am lecture this morning. My professor was in such a lively mood, and for some reason that just pissed me off even more. No one should be that energetic in the morning. Maybe he does drugs.

Or more likely just gets an adequate amount of sleep, but I like my theory better.

Bawdy: I'm here.

His text brings me relief and worries at the same time. Hopefully we will only be a few minutes late. I know my sister and her fiancé will already be there. She treats punctuality as one of the most important things on this planet. That's probably why we never have the best time making plans together. Any time I've been late to do something with her, even if it's just a few minutes for something that isn't serious, I can feel her frustration in the air.

I exhale a shaky breath slowly as I ride down the elevator. I shouldn't be this nervous to see my parents. They should be the ones who make me feel the most comfortable in the world, but I know how judgmental they can be towards people who live their lives very differently from them.

Walking outside, I see his limo parked out front. "I thought you were going to drive us?" I ask as I step in the backseat, thanking his driver for opening the door for me.

"I didn't have time to stop back at my place. I was getting my ear talked off at the brand event." He rolls his eyes and takes a sip out of a cup. "But, it's good to see you." He leans over and gives me a kiss. I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Probably another contributing factor as to why he couldn't drive. "Wow, that's the most wholesome outfit that I've seen you in." He adds with a small laugh.

"Thanks for coming with," I say resting my head on his shoulder. I look down at my sweater and jeans combination. A cute outfit, but definitely different than my party outfits. "Yeah, my parents aren't huge fans of my outfit choices." More so they aren't aware of most of the clothes I've been buying.

"I think it's cute." He smiles. "Can I pour you a drink? It's probably going to take over an hour and a half with all this fucking traffic."

"Sure, just a little bit. I can't be stumbling over my own feet in front of them."

He makes me a drink, and I start gulping it a bit too quickly. My nerves are making my throat dry up.

With not much convincing, I continue drinking with Bawdy. Even in just the short amount of time, it's at least putting me at ease about this dinner.

"Do you have a jacket?" I ask as I notice outside that we're getting closer to their house.

"I don't," Bawdy replies. "Are you cold?"

"Ah, no." I feel embarrassed trying to explain my thought process. "It just might have helped to cover up your tattoos for my parents. I don't want them to be mean to you. You know I think they're really fucking sexy, but they're not really the vibe for the rest of my family." I feel bad even bringing that up.

Bawdy rolls his eyes. "I appreciate you looking out for me, baby girl. But I talk to so many different people every day. I know how to charm anyone."

His cockiness hasn't met my family yet.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I go to reach for my purse to fix my lipstick again, and I stumble trying to reach for it. "Shit, I did not mean to get this tipsy."

The alcohol is hitting me more now, and we only have a few minutes until we arrive at their house. I grab a bottle of water and start chugging it.

"I mean, there's an easier solution to sober you up." I know he's referring to coke.

"Are you sure I'll be okay since I drank?" That was one of the main warnings that I actually took to heart when learning about substances.

"Trust me. You only need a little bit anyways, but up to you."

I can barely keep myself focused fully on Bawdy. I don't need the extra side eye when entering their house. My family would easily be able to tell that I've been drinking. I've never been good at hiding it.

"I trust you." He pulls the baggie out of his pocket, and we both take some.

"Wow," I catch myself saying out loud.

"Works doesn't it?" He asks with a knowing grin.

"It really does." Everything clears up, and I don't feel like I'm going to tumble over if I stand up. "Maybe leave the coke in here. Just in case it somehow falls out while we're in there."

"I doubt it would, but whatever makes you happy, baby girl." I smile and lean over to kiss him, smearing lipstick on his lips.

I laugh. "Here, let me get that off of you. Although that shade looks great on you." I wipe off the lipstick, lingering an extra few seconds to look into his eyes.

The limo comes to a stop, and I'm brought back into reality. We're really doing this. My parents are meeting him. They have no clue what his music even is or how big of a star he is. Although, I find myself forgetting how famous he is when I'm with him.

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