Chapter 18

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A minute or two pass as I just stare at myself in the mirror and then look at Bawdy. "I think I feel it."

"A good feeling?"

I giggle, "Yeah, I feel really good."

Bawdy meets my gaze in the mirror again and steps towards me, running his hands down my sides. His touch makes my body tingle. I don't want him to take his hands off of me.

"Should we head back out there?" I ask.

"No," Bawdy says firmly, moving one of his hands to my thigh and up towards under my dress. His touch sends sparks throughout my body.

"But people are waiting," I respond with my slight sense of reasoning.

"There's two bathrooms next to each other, literally on the other side of that wall."

"But Alice and Jason..." I begin before not being able to continue. Bawdy plants light kisses on my neck and moves his hand up closer to in between my thighs. I melt backwards into him. Let him do as he wants to me.

"Already getting wet for me, baby girl?" He strokes a finger against my clit through my tights. "I can feel you through these."

His words only turn me on more.

"Yes," I say with more confidence than I expected. I'm surprised how easy it is for me to be honest with him. The way my body responds to his is everything I could ever want.

"Too bad these tights are in the way."

I know where this is going, and I want him now. Before I can even begin to pull down my tights, he grabs onto them and pulls at them aggressively. They start to rip, and he continues to pull until they are no longer covering me down there. I didn't want to deal with another layer underneath, so I'm not even wearing any underwear under the tights.

"There's that perfect little pussy." Bawdy says while beginning to dip a finger inside of him. I instantly push down with my body, already wanting him to reach deeper inside me. "Someone's inpatient."

After rubbing me and slowly finger fucking me, he bends down by my ear and whispers, "sit on the counter." I follow his instructions, turning around to face him. Bawdy puts his hands on my hips and lifts me up as if I weigh nothing. "Open," he commands pushing my knees apart as I spread my legs wide for him.

"Take off your other glove." I don't question what he wants, and I remove my glove, setting it down by my other one. He ties both of the gloves together, creating a thick knot on the side for the fingers. "Open." I open my mouth, and he puts the knotted side in the opening of my mouth. He then puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls it down, starting to tie the other end of the gloves behind my head.

I can't say much being gagged like this, but I let out a mumble that gets muffled by the fabric. "Need to make sure no one outside the door hears you," he says while stroking the back of my hair, looking me up and down.

His hands move to the inside of my thighs, and he pushes them apart even farther. My heart rate increases in anticipation as he bends down to be eye level with my pussy. With a ravenous speed and desire, he begins to eat me out. Not just eating me out but fully feasting on every inch of my insides.

His tongue swirls inside me, and I let out a moan, thankfully having it stifled by the gloves. "See, I knew you couldn't be quiet," he says pulling his head away for a second to speak. I don't want him to stop even for a second. I grab onto his hair with one of my hands, and I pull his head towards me until I feel his hot breath on my lips again down there.

Bawdy takes the push with excitement and continues. Having my eyes closed, I don't notice that he moves to add a finger until it's plunging deep inside me. That sends a bolt through my body as he hits a sensitive spot immediately. I secure myself on the counter with both of my hands behind me.

He lightly drags one of my lips between his teeth before coming up for air for a second. "I'm enjoying you so much, Gianna. Fuck, I can't get enough of you." And with that, he bows his head again and continues engulfing himself in my pussy.

The combination of his finger and flicking tongue send pleasure erupting through my body. I spread my legs wider, pushing myself onto his face, wanting him deeper inside me. My toes curl, and I let out a muffled moan. I feel the heat rising in between my legs, and a tingling sensation spreads throughout my entire body.

My head bends backwards, and I completely let myself be consumed by him. No one or anything has ever made this feel so good. I'd let him lick my pussy all night, but we do probably need to leave this party at some point.

Feeling my legs trembling, he releases me from his grip. He rises up towards me, looking wildly satisfied with himself. As he pulls the gloves out of my mouth, he says, "such a dirty little slut." He leans down and kisses me, and I can taste myself lingering on his lips still.

I open my mouth to respond, but my throat is itchy so I try to swallow spit to help with it. "That... wow." I can't seem to find the words, and I really need a drink of water. "My throat." I cough. "I need some water."

I jump down from the sink, testing how weak he made my legs by doing that. Turning on the water, I bend down to splash some water from the faucet into my mouth. Why does it taste so weird? Bawdy gathers my hair, so it doesn't get into the sink water. As if reading my mind, he says, "Yeah, the back of your throat after taste isn't the best from coke. But, it's something you kind of get used to."

The water definitely helped. Either it's a delayed reaction, or I was enjoying myself too much, devoting all of my brain power to perceiving the sensations that he was causing me to experience.

"Shit, my tights are kind of fucked," I say upon observing the torn mess pulled down to where my shoes hit my legs. I take off my shoes and remove the tights, throwing them into the garbage can. Going commando in a dress is never a good idea, but it especially isn't a good idea when I was just dripping wet.

Bawdy helps to untie my gloves, and I reach for some toilet paper to clean myself, but he stops me. "You'll dry up just fine. Let's go. I want you to stay like that." At least my dress is black, so I hopefully won't have any visible wet spots.

He grabs my wrist, not letting me make this decision for myself and guides me towards the door. Before opening it, he puts his hand under my dress and squeezes my butt. "Fuck those tights. I like you like this. And I'm the only one who knows you're walking out there like this."

I compose myself, preparing to walk out, but he stops us and pulls out the coke baggie, dangling it in front of my face. "Little more?" He asks.

"Let's do it," I say a bit too enthusiastically to the point that he laughs. We both take a bump, or more so I take one and he takes two or three, and we make our way back out to the crowd.

"There you guys are!" Alice shouts. "I thought you guys might have left." The party looks like it has died down a bit. I never checked my phone in the bathroom, so I have no idea what time it even is. "What happened to your tights?" She asks.

"I, uh, I ripped them on my nails. I was trying to deal with them in the bathroom, but only made them worse," I reply. Completely plausible lie.

"That sucks, they were cute." Alice grabs my arm. "But, anyways, come dance with us!" I catch Jason giving Bawdy a look that means he probably suspects that we were doing something a bit more while being gone. It's not a judgmental look, however. It's a knowing look that he completes with a smirk. He definitely knows we did something back there, and I don't even care.

I feel so good.

I lock my hand with Bawdy's, and we make our way to dance until we're some of the last people left at the party.

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