Chapter 47

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After sitting in my car hyping myself up to encounter my family, I finally get out of the car. I knock on the door, and my mom opens it almost immediately. "What were you doing out there?" Is the first thing that she says to greet me. "We were sure that we saw you pull up ages ago!"

I smile and decide to just avoid her question, pretending it was a rhetorical one. "Good to see you, mom," I say while leaning in to give her a hug. I pull off my shoes and leave them by the front door.

As soon as I enter the dining room, my sister starts by exclaiming, "It's about time you showed up! We would starve if we had to wait any longer!" I really do come from a family of over-exaggerators.

"I'm glad you lived," I reply sarcastically while taking a seat.

"That boyfriend of yours didn't want to come to dinner?" My mom asks while crinkling her nose.

Before I can reply, my dad chips in, "You probably scared him off with all of your questions," directing it towards my mom. Although, that statement could be applied to everyone at the table.

"He's working tonight," I say with a light smile, "or else he would have came with."

"Can we talk to you about him?" My mom asks as she hands me a glass of water. I don't know why she's even asking that when she'll just tell me what's on her mind regardless.

I take a long sip of water before responding. "Sure, what is it?" When ever a conversation starts off like that, it's rarely good.

"I'm just a bit worried, sweetie. I thought he'd just be a short phase and then he'd move on from you." Damn, my own mother thinks that he would have to be the one to leave me. It could have been the other way around. At this point, I can't even fathom what moving on from him would look like. I don't think it'd be possible.

My sister chimes in. "You know Maggie, right?" I nod yes. Of course I know my sister's best friend since high school. "Well, she showed me a video of you and that boy."

My heart sinks. My mind races trying to think what the fuck this video could be from. If it's a sex video, I'll just take myself out back and dig my grave.

I try to remain calm, but that's difficult. "Oh," I reply slowly. "What video?"

My sister presses her lips together. "You and him were throwing eggs at some girl's house?" She says it as if she doesn't fully believe it, and I wish that it wasn't actually real.

I hadn't heard anything about a video being released. While I haven't been on social media as much lately, I don't think it's something that I would have missed.

"Where did you hear that?" I ask, delaying admitting it until I'm forced to. My heart starts to beat so loudly inside my chest. I'm convinced they can all hear it.

"Maggie's husband is a police officer and got a report and video camera footage from neighbors of a girl and boy vandalizing a home." Vandalizing is a strong choice of words. We didn't permanently damage anything. "He was asked to look into it, and he recognized you driving the car when they pulled up stoplight cameras."

I've already drank most of my water, but I'm feeling extremely parched. I'm also trying not to look like I'm about to pass out. I came here thinking that they would somewhat shit on Bawdy while he isn't here, but this was one of the last things that I would have imagined being brought up.

"Care to explain?" My dad asks, looking more serious than I've see him in a long time.

Whatever I was expecting for dinner, it certainly wasn't a full on interrogation.

All eyes are on me as I reply, "Trust me, it was called for."

My mom scoffs, "Oh! That just makes it so much better then."

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