Chapter 14

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All I want to do is lie around and think about Bawdy, or, better yet, lie with him, but both of our busy schedules this week are fucking with my desires. I traded my shifts for the weekend to tonight and Wednesday, since I'll be going to Bawdy's show on Saturday.

I know I need to get through my work before I can be rewarded, but I really just want the instant gratification and fun.

As I'm about to head over to my shift at Pelgram's, I hear my phone buzz. I dive over my bed to grab it, hoping it's from who I want.

Bawdy: Dinner tonight? My meeting got cancelled.

I'm pretty sure that I already mentioned that I was going to be working the next two nights before I left his place last night. I probably didn't make it clear what time.

Gianna: I'm starting my shift soon, and I'll be there until closing.

Bawdy: How about after?

By the time I get home and change, it's going to be way too late to eat, and I need to actually be well rested for my classes in the morning for once.

Gianna: I'll starve to death by then.

I'm not even being dramatic. I only had a sandwich earlier, and I won't have time to eat my leftover pizza until l get a break at work.

Gianna: I'll text you when I have a break.

Bawdy: Too bad, baby girl. Have fun at work.

Fun isn't typically the word that I'd use to describe work, as much as I do enjoy taking photos, but it's the thought that counts.

Once I get my station set up, Hazel comes in beaming. "Looks like you have a busy night ahead. Fully booked."

Well, shit, it's been a while since I've had so many shoots in one night.

"Sounds good. I'm glad it will keep me busy." Hopefully this means that my night will go by quickly.

My first two photoshoots are for very uncooperative babies. It's really not their fault that they're being put through taking photos, but, by the smell of it, I'm pretty sure the second one needed a diaper change. No wonder he's screaming his head off.

After finally getting the second baby to stay still, I end up taking some really cute pictures. When I end up getting the right shot, I just know and can feel the satisfaction feeding my brain, reminding me how I do enjoy photography. Unfortunately, my school assignments can make me forget sometimes.

I check my schedule and have a couple minutes until the next time slot starts. Putting the pictures onto the computer, I start to edit them. I decide to take this short opportunity to eat a bit.

Nibbling on my pizza that probably should have been thrown away the night before, I hear Hazel letting out a huge laugh as she approaches the door to my work room. Knocking while cracking the door open, she says "Gianna, your next client is here." Her voice turns into a whisper. "He's a hoot, and he already paid upfront for the largest package."

I set my pizza down somewhat reluctantly. Guess I'll try eating again after this person. I pop my memory card back into a camera and head out the door.

I start with my usual greeting as I enter the photography station. "Hi, thanks for book- " My eyes imminently widen and my mouth hangs open.

"Hey, baby girl."

What is Bawdy doing at my work.

I stare into his eyes with disbelief. Before I can formulate any words, he laughs and whispers, "Now, Gianna, close that mouth of yours unless you're going to be using it on me."

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