Chapter 35

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"Are those real diamonds?" Kennedy asks in astonishment as I hold up one of the most beautiful necklaces that I've ever seen.

"Shit, I think they are," I stare with my eyes about to bulge out of my head.

While Bawdy did respect giving me space for once, he did have a gorgeous dress, jewelry, shoes, and matching purse sent over. I shouldn't be influenced by materialistic things, but who am I kidding, these are stunning. I was already going to say yes to going to the event with him, so these are just the cherry on top.

I put on the plum colored floor-length dress, and it hugs me in all the right places. Walking back out into the living room with everything on, I give a twirl for Kennedy.

"Usually I don't support boys who make you cry, but he's clearly working over time trying to win your forgiveness," she says.

For once, I'm going to feel like I fit in at a party with Bawdy. He has clearly never had a problem being in public with me before, but it's always been a thought in the back of my mind that I'm intruding on a world that I'm not supposed to be in. A world where everyone is rich and successful.

And then there's me. Maybe, hopefully, one day I'll fall into that category, but that's all contingent on passing all my classes and actually getting a job.

I head outside when Bawdy lets me know that he is here. He's standing outside of the limo and holds the door open for me to get in.

"You look absolutely stunning. I'm so glad it fits," he says staring at me just like I had stared at the necklace. Although, he's not focusing on one piece of the outfit, he's taking in my entirety. I know he wouldn't actually care what I was wearing.

"It did help that you sent multiple sizes just in case," I say while adjusting myself in the seat. It's not like he knows my exact measurements.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, so I didn't want to ask you and ruin it."

I smile one of my first genuine smiles in almost two weeks.

We arrive at the same venue from the last event that I went with him to. Tonight there's an award show going on for electronic music. It's not his genre, so he's not up for any awards, but he is friends with a lot of people in the industry, so he wanted to attend to support them.

The layout is similar to last time, but this time there are a bunch of decorative balloon arches and pillars. There are even more people taking photographs outside, but I felt a bit less nervous this time around. Bawdy keeps his hand on my back the entire time while leading me in, and he tells me that we don't need to stop and stand for any photos.

"You do realize almost all of my favorite EDM artists are in this room right now?" I say looking around star struck.

"You're not going to try to leave me for one of them, right?" Bawdy asks sarcastically.

"Personally, I've always been into rockstars a bit more."

"Then you're going to love it when you find out what my job is." I laugh and playfully shove his arm.

There aren't any meals being served this time, but there are plenty of specialty cocktails. We get up to get another drink before the awards start. There's a bit of a line as everyone is trying to get their final drink, or drinks for those double-fisting, before everyone needs to take their seats.

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom and meet you back here after?" Bawdy asks me.

"Go ahead. You'll probably be back before I even get to the front of the line," I reply. He leans in and kisses my cheek. Just lightly.

It's the first kiss he's given me since before I got mad. My body over reacts to the feeling. It'd be a bit dramatic to feel weakness in my knees at such a small touch, but I can't help myself. I'm craving his touch, and I've been deprived of it until recently.

Bawdy walks away, and I continue waiting in line. I use this time to spot different celebrities. It's fun being on the inside of things and seeing who brought who as a date.

As I'm nearing the front of the line, a girl around my age comes up and taps me on the shoulder. I turn to look at her. She's absolutely gorgeous in a low cut champagne colored dress that goes perfectly with her jet black hair that goes down almost to where her belly button must be. She towers over me in her heels, making her almost six feet tall.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" She asks.

"I don't think so," I reply kindly. "Maybe at an event with Bawdy? I'm a bit new to coming to these things. I'm Gianna."

Her eyebrows raise, and I can see the gears turning in her head. Her overly filled lips form a pout, and she looks annoyed. I really don't remember meeting her before. "Oh, Gianna? As in G?"

Am I known somewhere that even I don't know about? I'm a little bit tipsy, but I'm definitely understanding what she is saying. I stare at her for a second longer. "Sorry, have we met?"

She scoffs, "No, we haven't. Like you said, you're new to these things, and I've been around a lot longer than you, sweetheart." I feel like I'm really missing on who the fuck this is.

"Oh, who are you?" I ask trying to figure out why she's even bothering with me.

She rolls her eyes as if I should know who she is. "I'm Rose. Of course he wouldn't tell you about me."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act so innocent," she says sharply. "You're Gianna as in the G he tattooed on himself. I saw him right after he got it done and it was still wrapped."

I didn't think any girls out there would be so jealous over Bawdy getting a tattoo for me, but it's not out of character for some of the bitches in the industry. "Oh, yeah, that's me. Do you know Bawdy?" Or is she just some psycho fan.

"Do I know him?" She asks as if the answer is obvious. "He's going to drop you before you know it and come crawling back to me. Did it make you feel special when he got that tattoo? Because it certainly did when he got a tattoo for me."

I'm starting to think this girl is going mental. I've seen every inch of Bawdy's body, and I know for a fact that he doesn't have any other name or initial on his body.

She sees my confusion and continues. "Like I said, if you can keep up, I'm Rose. You know that rose tattoo that he has? Well guess who it's for?"

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