Chapter 37

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Before I can reply, his lips collide with mine, and I almost stumble backwards. His kiss comes with an added level of passion that I don't remember from before. I still feel tense, but I start to let my body melt into his. He bites down on my lip before pulling away just enough to be able to talk. His voice is barely above a whisper when he asks, "Are you still mad at me?"

"Yes," I reply honestly. Although my next action is a bit conflicting to my words as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and pull his head down towards me, bringing our lips back together.

We both come at each up with a ferocious energy. God, I missed having him against me. My brain says I'm mad, but it's hard to stay mad at him. I'm proud of myself for actually talking to him right away about this instead of running and hiding, but it still stings.

"You're the only one I want, baby girl." He whispers against my lips. "When I'm done with you, you'll never doubt me again." My body reacts in a feral way to his words, and I can feel the insides of my pussy do a somersault, yearning for him.

"Prove it," I challenge him.

That's all he needed to hear before pushing up the bottom of my dress so that I'm able to jump up and wrap my legs around him. He spins us around and slams my back against the wall.

"You know, I don't like it at all when people doubt or question me," he growls at me. I know that he's talking about how I jumped to conclusions about him being pictured with girls before. I guess we both have something to be angry about with one another. But I have a feeling that once he is done with me, we both won't be able to think about anything else besides how much we want each other.

I can feel one of his hands moving down to un-do the zipper in his pants. He stops kissing me for a second, and I whine when he stops. He lets out a deep laugh. "Give me a second, and then I won't get off of you until you realize that we're made for each other."

I look down, and he is putting on a condom onto his protruding dick. Once it's on, I lower where I'm holding on to him and feel his hardness rub against my slit. Bawdy moves his hand, squeezes my ass tightly, and then moves his fingers towards my clit. He swirls along the outside, massaging me.

"Looks like someone missed me," he says as he starts to move a finger inside of me.

"I did," I say under my breath. "But that still doesn't mean I'm not angry with you."

"Well, baby girl. Your mouth says one thing, but your body is saying something else." He plunges two fingers inside of me, and I press my head back against the wall. I know he can tell how wet I already am.

He pulls out his two fingers and holds them up in front of my face. "You certainly have an interesting way of being mad."

"Shut up," I say, wishing that he was inside of me already. Besides him using the vibrator on me while he was away, I haven't had any release. Coupled with my mix of emotions recently, I really need this. I really need him.

"I'll shut you up," he says while sticking his fingers into my mouth. I can taste myself on his fingers, and I know I'm going to start dripping down my legs the second he touches me again.

He pulls his fingers out of my mouth, looking satisfied with himself. Bawdy then adjusts where I'm holding on to him and starts to push his cock into me, inch by inch.

A mix of emotions are swirling inside of me, but they're all getting overpowered by my need for him. As much as I tried to stay away from him, I couldn't. This just feels right, and he made it obvious that he couldn't stay away from me.

I almost think that he might have needed me more than I needed him. I can tell that this boy is crazy about me. Not just by the fact that he's ramming his dick into me ferociously but also because of how unwell he was without me.

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