Chapter 17

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"You need me to touch up your makeup?" I giggle as I twirl one of the powder brushes while sitting on Bawdy's vanity backstage.

"It just helps with glares," he says with an eye roll. He could do anything and I'd find it attractive, especially in his all black outfit and perfectly tousled hair.

I kick my dangling feet back and forth and just reply with a playful smile.

"You want something else to drink? You've barely touched your vodka soda."

I swirl my straw and take a small sip. "No, it's okay. I think I've drank a bit too much this week. I'm feeling a bit drained."

Bawdy ruffles in his pocket, pulling out something. A small bag. "I mean, if you're wanting to try something new tonight, I do have this. Will help wake you right up."

I guess I haven't drank much, so I don't have to worry about those effects together. I eye the bag as he opens it. But, I don't know if it's for me. He obviously takes it and has no problem. But I certainly am a lot smaller than him. Although, I'm sure he'd give me way less.

"I'm not sure," I reply reluctantly.

"Well, I only want you to be certain, but it's really nothing to be afraid of." He scoops up a small bit with one of the smallest spoons I've ever seen and inhales it deeply.

At least I know it's not laced with something, because he's already used some. I'm sure he goes to a very reputable drug dealer.

However, I do appreciate him saying that I should only be sure in trying something like this. I really should only do it if I feel completely certain, and I don't at the moment.

"I'm going to pass, but perhaps in the future."

"Ah, the future, my favorite thing to think about with you."

I can't break the smile on my face. Untimely, there's a bang on the dressing room door. "Two minutes. Come on out!" Shouts Bawdy's manager.

"That's my cue," he says and bends down to kiss me. Just a light kiss for once, since his manager bangs on the door again.

"You'd better go. Could you hand me my phone from the charger?" I ask and hop down from where I'm sitting, pulling down the bottom of my black mini dress over my maroon sheer tights.

He picks up my phone, looking down at the screen likely checking the time. His eyebrows furrow. "Am I supposed to be going to a dinner with you or is there some other boy that your mom is referring to?"

I grab my phone from him. Looks like my mom texted me another reminder about dinner on Monday night. I exhale. "She's talking about you. I wasn't even sure if you'd want to go to a dinner with them, and I completely forgot to ask with how shitty my past few days have been."

"Well, if you want me there, then I'll be there with you."

I appreciate his enthusiasm, but once he hears more about my parents and how they won't approve of him at all, I bet he'll wish he never offered. I was just going to tell them that he was busy and never bring it up to him. Put off this meeting until I feel more prepared and less worried about them not liking him, but I don't think there will ever be a good time.

Another knock on the door cuts our conversation short.

"He probably just thinks we're fucking back here and wants me to have my pants on in time. Tell me about the dinner later."

"And have you done that enough times for him to think it's a habit?"

More banging on the door prevents him from having time to respond. Although, I'm not even sure if he'd answer truthfully or if I'd want to know the answer. I know I'm obviously not the first girl that he's brought backstage, but I hope it hasn't been too many.

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