Chapter 49

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I try to pull myself away from jumping to conclusions. That certainly hasn't helped me in the past. The drinks I've had so far tonight also aren't helping me think straight. "Can I help you find something?" I ask unsure what else to say.

"Just using Will's bathroom!" She says with a kind smile. For a second I'm confused about who she is talking about. Quiet literally no one calls him Will, especially at an event regarding his music.

She slips into the bathroom, and I just sit there staring at the door. Is she someone who he works with or some old hookup who still has a key to his room? I don't just want to ask her that.

The girl walks back out, and I get another look at her. I swear I've seen her before, but she also looks like most tall gorgeous girls. She starts to head back towards the door. She obviously has no issue or question about me being in his room, so it's on me to say something. It's now or never.

"Hey, I'm Gianna," I say, sounding like a fifth grader introducing myself to someone during recess.

The girl pauses on her way to the door. "Oh, you're, the Gianna!" She says excitedly. I guess she knows who I am then. "I'm Mary."

I've never heard Bawdy mention a Mary before. "Nice to meet you," I say not wanting to jump on her like a hungry panther. "How do you know Bawdy?"

Mary seems to pause for the moment. Almost like she's practicing what she is going to say in her head. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing the situation. I'm about to start thinking that her breathing pattern is suspicious if I think about it enough. "Oh, he hasn't mentioned me?" I look at her a bit confused. Before I can reply that he hasn't, she quickly adds, "I helped him with some graphic design content. I don't live here, so I don't get to see him too often."

She almost sounds disappointed that he hasn't mentioned her. It's a bit odd that his graphic designer has a key to his bedroom. It really is. I don't want to seem like an intrusive bitch and ask her why she does.

"Oh, that's cool," I reply trying to sift through my memories to see if he's mentioned anything about his design people.

Mary pulls out her phone. "It was really nice meeting you, but I have to get going. It's getting late." I glance over at a clock on Bawdy's bed side. It's not even midnight yet. In their party world, the night is just beginning.

She says goodbye and hurries out the door, leaving me still confused.

I know that Bawdy has a very complex life, but it makes me sad that I don't know all of it. Something just isn't sitting right with me that some graphic designer has a key for his room. She also said that she doesn't even live here, so why would she need a key.

I decide to make my way to find Bawdy. If I put off asking him, I'm just going to piss myself off with hypotheticals. I walk back towards the main party and spot Mary hugging Bawdy near the elevator. To my surprise, he gets into the elevator and rides down with her.

I grab a another glass of champagne and march over to the elevator doors. There really is nothing that I can do but wait.

This is the longest few minutes of my life.

Finally, the elevator makes its way back up and Bawdy steps out, almost knocking me over. He puts his hand on my lower back to stabilize me. "Woah, Gianna, I almost took you out there," he says and laughs.

I try to keep my tone calm. "Where'd you go?" I ask as if I didn't just see him go downstairs with Mary.

"Just brought someone downstairs. Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a bit." He keeps his arm around me as he talks, and he's smiling down at me. If he did anything fishy with that girl, he certainly is good at hiding it.

"I was in your room using the bathroom," I say slowly. "I ran into this girl Mary." I feel his hand tense a bit against my back.

"Oh, cool, Mary is really nice." He says and then adds, "What did you two talk about?"

"Well, she seemed to know who I am, but I don't think you've ever mentioned her before."

"What'd she tell you?"

"Just that she did some graphic design for you."

His hand seems to lose its tension. "Yeah, I worked with her a bit ago."

"You've never brought her up before."

"I guess she never came up in a conversation."

"But I've come up in conversations between you two?" I ask, trying to figure out who this girl is.

"It's hard not to talk about my perfect girlfriend," he says while leaning down to kiss my forehead.

My brain just likes to torment me and jump to conclusions. Bawdy's words calm me, and I try to push out any negative thoughts that I can have. It also warms my heart that he has referred to me as his girlfriend to others.

"It'd be nice to know more about your friends," I say a bit quietly. I'm almost embarrassed that I just about accused him of cheating with some girl.

"Do you need me to make you a PowerPoint presentation of everyone?" Bawdy asks playfully. I giggle in response.

Before I can ask about why she has a key, we're interrupted by Bawdy's guitar player. Maybe he doesn't even know that she has a key still. I guess I'll ask him another time, but I also don't want him thinking that I'm making such a big deal about some girl (again).

His guitar player slurs, "Ohhh, Bawdy! I've got some shots with your name on it!" He smiles and looks down at me. "You too, Gianna, let's go."

I'm whisked away into the kitchen and continue drinking with everyone. I drop the whole Mary thing for now. Honestly, she seemed super sweet. If she was hooking up with Bawdy, then I'm sure that she would have acted like a bitch. It seemed like she obviously must know that we're together.

The shot, or two, or maybe three definitely help me not focus on thinking about that girl. I can't even bring myself to fully think straight.

It's actually so nice.

The room slowly spins around me, but it's not in a bad way. I kind of like it. I'm sitting on the couch next to Bawdy. His arm is wrapped around me as he talks to people sitting around us.

I'm only half participating in conversations. I think I'm a bit too drunk to fully converse, but no one seems to mind. No one is judging me. No one is flooding me with questions about my future and my life choices. It feels so nice to finally let go for the night and relax.

I think I'm starting to understand why Bawdy likes drinking so much.

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