Chapter 10

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"I swear I'm walking funny."

Bawdy laughs. "Don't worry, baby girl. At the very most, someone will think you must be sore from running a marathon or doing pilates."

I give him a small jab into his side with my elbow. He meets my gaze with a beaming smile. And I haven't been able to stop smiling. Our sex was...

Well, it certainly was something.

I haven't been fucked in a while, and I have never been fucked like that before. It surely has me questioning the sort of things that I like, but I literally can not stop beaming. My entire face is lighting up.

Waking up to my insides aching was a bit uncomfortable, but it serves as a reminder for what we did last night. I also can't get over waking up with my head lying on Bawdy's chest and his arm wrapped around me. For someone who seems so cool and slightly aggressive at times, the man loves to cuddle.

"Any other stores you want to stop at?" He asks even though both of our arms are filled with bags.

We ordered room service for breakfast (although we didn't eat until almost 2:00pm), and then Bawdy insisted that he take me shopping in Caesar's.

Walking around with the sky painted ceilings up above, I already felt like I was transported into another universe, into a dream world where I had everything I ever wanted. I started off a bit reluctant about letting him spend so much money on me, but I decided to put my pride aside and enjoy some free gifts.

Because why the fuck not.

"I think I'm good. Seriously I can't thank you enough for all of this." I lift my bag-filled arm. I mainly bought clothes and got some of my first true designer items. He didn't even bat an eye when items were ringing up at over $1,000 each.

He insisted on going into jewelry stores, but I don't think I could have accepted him spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on tiny gems. I've barely known this man a week, and all he wants to do is shower me in presents.

"Of course, baby girl." He kisses the top of my head. He whispers as he leans down by my ear. "I needed to reward you for being such a good girl last night." His voice sends chills down my spine, and I feel my cheeks tint pink.

I'm somewhat comfortable talking with my closest friends about some sex stuff but never in public. My eyes dart around, making sure no one overheard him. No one could have been in earshot unless they were leaning basically on top of us, but I get embarrassed by the possibility.

We walk back down the strip and enter our hotel room. To my surprise, the shattered bottle is completely cleaned up. There are snacks neatly placed on the large table as well as a new full bottle of tequila and two bottles of champagne being chilled on ice.

He pops a bottle and pours us both a glass. We have a little bit of time before heading to our dinner reservation.

Bawdy walks to the other side of the room and returns with the bag from the sex shop from yesterday. I almost forgot about him buying me a surprise. Honestly, I'm surprised that he didn't use whatever that is last night. Maybe he forgot about it in the heat of the moment.

"Put this in before we leave," he says cool but commanding as he hands me the bag.

Put it in? Wouldn't he mean on?

My eyes open wide as I pull out the box from inside. I'm met face to face with a remote controlled vibrator.




He responds to my flushed cheeks with a laugh. "I'm assuming you've never tried this before."

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