Chapter 48

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"I'm not friends with anyone who is going to spread shit," Bawdy says aggressively to Chelsea. Chelsea goes to open her mouth. "And don't bring up Rose or some other idiots I've cut out of my life. I actually know the people coming tonight."

"I just want to make sure people aren't talking about you and that girl," Chelsea says while eyeing me. I'm sitting down on the couch while they stand near the elevator.

"She has a name," Bawdy says defensively. "Then we'll check everyone's phones if it's that big of a deal."

"Well, it's a bit too late to set that up. The party starts in less than an hour," she replies.

"Then we're done with this conversation." Bawdy doesn't give her a chance to reply and comes to sit down next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist while keeping his other hand holding his drink.

"Sorry about all that," he says with his eyes looking down. I know he is worried that I'll get upset about his publicist trying to hide me. I certainly was more upset at the beginning, but I keep reminding myself that I don't fully understand all the dynamics that go into living his life.

"I'm able to be here with you, so I'm happy. Don't worry about it," I reply.

Bawdy is having a "little" party in his penthouse. After seeing the length of his guest list, I'm not sure if little is the best way to describe it, but this is what he considers a quaint gathering of close friends. One of his songs has been in the top 10 of the music charts four weeks in a row, so he wanted to celebrate.

Most of the people invited work on his team or are close friends to him or the other members of the band. Since it's only supposed to be people who he actually knows, he doesn't see a problem with me coming. Chelsea wasn't the biggest fan, but he argued that it's his house and his rules.

I asked him if Chelsea is this overbearing on her own children. Apparently she's not even married and doesn't have any kids. Bawdy hasn't heard her mention any men in general, and she doesn't seem to be asking for personal time off. I guess she's one of those people who are married to their work.

Although, Bawdy has let me know that he pays the people who work for him very well, so I guess she's probably happy building up some savings right now.

Bawdy stayed up with me at my place until almost seven in the morning. Going to sleep when the sun is already coming up definitely isn't the best for my sleep schedule, but it was a Friday night at least.

I'm thankful that Bawdy was there to help distract me from spiraling about my dinner with my parents. He was so patient listening through everything. He's worried that it's all his fault that they're upset with me, but this type of situation was bound to happen sooner or later.

While talking through issues is helpful, getting fucked so hard that I can't remember anything bad going on in my life also helps.

He felt bad not actually sleeping over with me, but he needed to be at home in case anyone needed him while setting things up for the party. As much as he trusts his team, I know that he likes to have control over as much as he can.

I told myself that I'd work on finishing my application materials when I woke up, but by the time I woke up and got out of bed, I started to get ready for tonight. Something about being at a more intimate party at Bawdy's place made me want to make sure that I look especially good. The application isn't due until Tuesday at 5:00pm, so I have time.

It doesn't help that I need to take some preliminary photographs to show that I'm making progress on my seminar class project. Of course those are also due Tuesday too. I swear the deadline universe is conspiring against me. I'm still planning on doing arial photos, and Bawdy promised me that we could use his helicopter again tomorrow. I'm also going to include the pictures in my study abroad application, so at least it'll take care of two things in one.

Bawdy excuses himself to talk with some guests once they start to arrive. I stand up, brushing down my rose gold silk dress. The back dips down low and is mainly open besides a few beaded straps that drape from one side to another.

I spot Alice and wave at her across the room. She smiles and makes her way over to where I'm standing next to the open bar. I'm on champagne glass number three.

"Hi!" She says enthusiastically and leans in to give me a hug. "I heard you're coming to Amsterdam in January. How exciting!"

I smile at the thought of Bawdy already talking with the others about me being in Amsterdam. "Hopefully," I say still trying not to get myself overly excited yet. "I still need to submit my application and get into the program." I take a long drink from my glass. I really don't want to be thinking about things that are going to stress me out right now.

"I'm sure you will," she says while squeezing my arm. It's refreshing to talk with people who think so highly of my abilities and choices.

We part ways, and I continue small talk with some other people at the party. No one seems outraged that I'm there, and most seem to know me as being with Bawdy. If all these people don't care, then I don't get why his publicist is making such a big deal out of it. But, again, these are all people who Bawdy is closer with and not just random fans who want to fuck him.

Technically, I was a part of that category before. Sometimes I still can't believe I've made it this far with him.

I make my way through the people filling up Bawdy's living room and kitchen areas and head towards his bedroom to use the bathroom in there. There shouldn't be too much of a line in the hall bathroom given the size of the party, but I left my lipstick in his room anyways.

After using the bathroom and applying more lipstick after it has all rubbed off onto champagne glasses, I sit down on Bawdy's bed to rest my feet for a few minutes.

His room is spotless thanks to his maids. He definitely is a use something and drop it on the floor sort of person. I'm not judging, because I'm no better. For the most part, I keep the living room and kitchen area clean for Kennedy's sake. Honestly, if she wasn't there to keep me in order, I'd be more of a wreck than I already am.

Bawdy's bed is way too comfortable, and I'm contemplating just lying down and taking a quick nap. This bed must be custom made, because it is way bigger than a king-sized bed. His mattress would barely even fit in my bedroom. It's so comfortable to sleep here, and I feel like we have infinite space to have sex.

I make myself sit fully up. As much as I want to rest, I doubt I'd actually wake back up. He must have made his bedroom partly sound proof, because I can barely hear the music from the party in here. I guess it's better that no one else can hear how he makes me yell at night.

Finally getting back on my feet, I jump as the door starts to open. Although it must just be Bawdy since I needed to use a key to get into his room. He'd rather keep the party contained, and it's not like anyone else really needs to be in here.

To my surprise, a tall girl with dark brown hair walks in. She looks almost as surprised to see me. She doesn't look like any of Bawdy's staff. Actually, that's quite doubtful to even assume, since she's clearly dressed nicely for the party.

I'm pretty sure that I locked the door once I got inside. I see the girl tuck a key back into her purse, confirming that she must have needed to unlock it. Why the fuck does some other girl have a key to his room?

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