Chapter 6

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"Can anyone please tell me what shutter speed is best to use when photographing someone swinging a baseball bat," my professor asks the whole class.

Can I please go home and get back in bed?

I rest my hand on my chin and stare at the board without taking in any information. I ended up getting less than five hours of sleep, and it's not putting me in the best mood.

After I got home last night, I took a quick shower. There was no way I would have if I waited until the morning, and I know I would feel and probably smell crusty if I didn't. As soon as I laid down, I expected myself to fall asleep from exhaustion, but I just kept replaying the events of the night before.

The way I was so close to Bawdy and practically spent the whole time talking with him still does not feel real to me. We didn't even make it up to go on the dance floor, but I think that might just be a security issue for him. At least my feet don't hurt like they usually do from standing all night.

What would have happened if I stayed with him? With way less people there, we could have slipped off into a secluded space. The kiss on my cheek could have turned into our lips touching. I felt how soft his lips felt against my skin, and I can only imagine the connection I'd feel with him pressed up against me.

And kissing most certainly isn't the only thing I want to do with him. Sitting on top of someone so fucking hot only left me wanting more. Wanting him inside me.

"Earth to Gianna." I blink a few times, releasing myself from my daydream. "Alright I need to hear about your night now," Iris says while zipping up her backpack.

I quickly realize that class has ended. I look down at my notebook where I only wrote today's date and two bullet points from the beginning of class. At least I showed up.

"Could we grab some coffee? I don't think I can make it through the rest of the day without it."

Iris laughs. "Of course. Must have been some night."

I recap Iris on my night while we eat bagels and drink coffee. A small for her and a large for me.

"I'm proud of you for not staying out," she says while taking a bite of her everything bagel.

"If it was a weekend night, then I definitely would have. I mean I was there for hours with him, and he didn't try anything with me. For all I know, he could bring random girls out all the time."

"True, but he wanted you to be there. And after leaving that party to come find you at the club? I think he likes you more than some random bitch," Iris adds to my delusion.

We talk about my situation some more, fueling my idea that he might actually want me. After a bit, Iris heads to her next class across campus. I stay seated at our table, put my earbuds in, and pull out my laptop to force myself to work on the massive amount of assignments that I have this week.

While I'm in the middle of writing up a summary of photography methods, I hear someone say, "Hey, Gianna!" From across the cafe. I look up and recognize a guy, Charlie, who's in my next class at noon. "Can I sit?" He adds.

Is it rude to say no? Probably. I don't have any issues with him, but I'm not really in the mood to communicate with anyone who doesn't know why I'm on the verge of falling asleep. The coffee is helping a bit, but nothing besides actual sleep is really going to revive me fully.

I pull my earbuds out and pause my music. "Sure," I respond smiling as much as I can.

He flashes a big smile as he sits down. Charlie is definitely one of the cuter guys in my major, but, unfortunately for all the single horny girls (including me), he has a girlfriend.

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