Chapter 31

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I break his gaze and look at Kennedy who looks wildly confused. At least I know that she sees him too, and I'm not just imagining this.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, but it's so loud that I would barely hear any answer that he tried to give.

"Can we talk somewhere?" He asks while leaning down next to my ear. His warm breath sends more shivers into my body. I wish that I didn't have such a natural bodily reaction to his presence.

"Okay," I say while nodding my head. No need to make a scene out here. He grabs my arm and starts to pull me away with him but not before I see him give a sour look towards Charlie. I mouth "I don't know" to Kennedy and shrug my shoulders.

Bawdy leads me through the crowd and into the kitchen where a huge amount of alcohol is being brought in and set up on the counters. My eyes catch some of the brands. Who the fuck in this house could afford all that. I know it definitely isn't Iris.

"Can we go upstairs?" He asks when we get to the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" I ask again now that he can actually hear me.

"You invited me." I mean, yes I did. But I assumed he wouldn't have come when I didn't remind him about it or have him come with me. How did he think that he should have still showed up?

"But that was before all this," I don't even know what to call it, "shit happened between us." We're starting to attract some stares from people who obviously recognize Bawdy. "Fuck, fine, come upstairs." I don't need to have a whole crowd watching this.

I exhale loudly and grab onto his wrist, leading him up the stairs. I've been upstairs once before, and I think I remember the layout enough. There's four different bedrooms, and we go into the second room that's open. The first one lead us to walk into two people about ready to fuck.

They really should have locked the door, unless they don't mind if people see.

Just for good measure, I lock the door when we walk in.

"And what do you think we're going to be doing in here?" He asks with a mischievous grin.

"Just talking." I say curtly. "I just don't want to deal with people walking in."

"Sure," he says, stretching out the "e" at the end to taunt me.

I love it when he's playful and sarcastic.

But now is not the time to be distracted by his charm or his looks. Although he has some large bags underneath his eyes, he still looks as hot as ever.

But I'm here to talk to him.

"Seriously," I say while rolling my eyes. "What made you think that it was a good idea to just show up? I told you I just needed space."

I thought he was respecting my time and space, but I guess he really doesn't.

"I wanted to see you, baby girl. I miss you, and I was certain you guys wouldn't have enough to drink. Thought I'd bring along a little present."

So that would explain all the new alcohol in the kitchen. I can't deny that he does make sweet gestures.

"And do you think three days was enough?"

"It was too much for me."

"But not for me." I pace away from him and sit down on the bed, crossing my arms. "I know that you're used to always getting what you want, but for once it's not going to happen on your terms."

His expression gets a bit more tense. He walks towards me, completely towering over me while still standing. I can feel his eyes consuming all of me and feel his body heat radiating into my skin. "Don't fucking say that. I'm trying to show you how much I want you."

"I already told you that with how messed up my thoughts have been, I need a little bit of time to cool down and process everything," I reply, trying not to let my voice shake. I do not need to cry any more over him and especially not in front of him.

"You know what?" Bawdy asks while turning away from me. "You're such a fucking hypocrite, Gianna."

"Me?" There's no way he's turning this on me.

"Don't act like I didn't see you all close up to that guy. The same one from those pictures in the pool, right?"

"Did you see how packed it was?" I say, raising my voice. "We weren't that on top of one another. It's not like we were kissing."

"For all I know, you guys were kissing when I wasn't there to see it."

"I swear we weren't." I feel anger swirling through my veins.

Bawdy shrugs his shoulders. "It doesn't feel nice when someone takes observing a two second interaction and makes more out of it, does it?" My mouth starts to open but no words comes out. He continues, starting to sound more annoyed. "Well, that's exactly how you made me feel when assuming things from all the pictures that you saw. It's the same shit that literally every single person in my life does. I can't catch a fucking break from the rumors." He kicks his foot against the bed side table, and I can tell that he is tensing his hands more into fists.

I guess I kind of did jump to conclusions. I know that I wasn't doing anything with Charlie. Sure, I find him attractive, and I'd like to think that he thinks I'm pretty, but he's never tried to make a move with me. Fuck, is this really how it feels when people don't believe you and make up their own stories?

"Bawdy," I say softly. "I'm sorry."

Honestly, I shouldn't be apologizing. I should be able to have my own worries, and he has to realize that I'm not use to this type of lifestyle.

Was he really able to turn this over on me so easily? Or had I just always been in the wrong and can finally see that he is right? Are either of us even right in this situation?

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