Chapter 5

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It feels wrong to completely skip the line of people who have been waiting way before I showed up. I get glared at by the group of girls who are next to get in when I walk up.

I'd feel less nervous if I was with someone else, but, unfortunately, Kennedy and anyone else who I asked did not want to go out on a Tuesday night. And I can't blame them. I've definitely gone out on weeknights before, but I don't make it a habit to go out really late. Usually, it was just for frat parties on campus.

Getting to my 9:00am class is going to be an adventure in the morning. The club closes at 2:00, if I end up staying the whole time. By the time I get home and get into bed, it will probably be about 3:00. I can still get about five hours of sleep so not the absolute worst. At least that's what I keep reminding myself as I rationalize going out tonight.

Apparently Iris's brother Kevin will be at the club with some friends tonight, so if I'm really desperate or having a horrible time, they've been instructed to save me. They've also been told to keep an eye on me in general given my weekend ... predicament.

I texted Bawdy as soon as Kennedy dropped me off, and he liked the message so I'm assuming this will go smoothly. And I promised to cook her dinner for the rest of the week if she'd be on standby to pick me up later.

Once the bouncer is free, I work up the courage to say, "Hi, I'm Gianna Spieler. I was told to come up here."

"You can wait in line with the others," the large man replies curtly without looking much at me.

"Um, I was told just to tell you my name." I try to show him my messages from Bawdy, but he doesn't offer more than a glance in my direction.

I really hate causing any sort of trouble, and the line isn't that horrible. I decide to update Bawdy.

Gianna: The bouncer isn't being the nicest. I'll just wait in line and be in soon.

Almost immedielty, he replies.

Bawdy: No you won't. Stay put.

"Listen I'm going to need you to either get in the line or move away, but I can't have you just standing here," the bouncer says sharply.

"Sorry, I was told to wait here. If that's alright," I reply sheepishly. I really hate confrontation.

"Back of the line. I can't have you standing here." He points towards the back, clearly not happy that I haven't moved yet.

As I go to turn, I hear someone yell, "Gianna!" I look up and recognize the security person Henry from the concert. "Hey, Rob, she's with us."

His demeanor changes instantly. "I'm so sorry Mr. Winters. Please go right ahead in," he says as he picks up the rope to let me pass.

"Bawdy said to learn her name and face. She'll be sticking around," Henry adds to the bouncer as I pass by to enter.

I'm met with eye rolls from the group of girls who are still waiting to be let in.

I've always wondered how the system went to beat the line, but I've never been given this sort of treatment before.

Henry leads me through a large bustling crowd, and I spot Bawdy in a roped off section talking to a man next to him. He laughs about something, and I see his bright smile light up his face.

This feels so surreal to be joining a table with him.

As soon as we pass through the roped off section, he looks up and notices me and starts to walk over.

"Glad you could make it," he says with his hypnotizing smile as he gives me a quick hug. Pressed against him, even briefly, my heart rate increases, and I catch myself before letting out a small gasp from the feel of his hand against my back. I can feel his warmth against me, and I don't want this moment to stop.

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