Chapter 40

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"You should just leave some extra clothes and stuff here," Bawdy says in the morning. Well, more like late afternoon. I ended up staying at his place last night. We stopped by my apartment so I could grab a change of clothes.

I smile from ear to ear. I just can't get enough of him, and I'm not just talking about the sex. There was plenty of that going on last night, but in between he never ceases to surprise me with being sweet and romantic.

I might be missing out on making some money from not going to work again today, but I can't deny how much I'd rather just be spending my time with Bawdy.

Besides getting a "fuck you" text from Rose, there hasn't been any more commotion. I'm sure she must have known that it was Bawdy, but we're just hoping that this makes them even. Although he wouldn't have needed to get even if she hadn't been such a fucking idiot to begin with.

After that interaction, Bawdy blocked her. He's sure that she'll just run off to some other guy and try to ruin his life next, but it won't be his problem anymore.

"Sounds like a good idea," I say and lean over to kiss him.

"I need to pick something up. Want to come with?"

I agree and get ready quickly.

Soon enough, we're in one of his cars, a Bentley this time. "Do you have one car for every day of the week?" I ask half-jokingly.

"No," he replies casually, "I have more than that." Of course he does.

He pulls out onto the road and starts to blast music. I roll down the window and feel the fall LA air on my skin. It's such a beautiful day out, and I can't wait to soak it in.

We start to head to more of the outskirts of the city by some industrial factories. I've really never been over here before. Honestly, the area feels a bit creepy to be driving through. I'm just glad that it's during the day time and not night.

Bawdy pulls into the back parking lot of a huge building. It must be a manufacturing plant of some sort. "Can you grab the zip up pouch out of that bag?" Bawdy asks pointing to the backpack that is sitting by my feet.

"Sure," I reply as I pull out a bank bag. "What exactly are you picking up?"

He laughs but causally replies. "Running a bit low on coke, and my guy is a bit too busy to drop it off, so I said I'd come pick it up or else I'd have to wait until the end of the week."

It certainly wouldn't be the end of the world to be without coke for the week, but I don't bother mentioning that. He's been using stuff, and I doubt I'd be the one to break one of his habits. Plus, it's not like it seems to be interfering with his work and stuff.

Honestly, I'd more so blame any of his issues on drinking, but I'm not one to criticize people.

"Wait here. I'll be back soon," Bawdy says and exits from the car. I instinctively lock the door and shift uncomfortably. There's no one around, but I feel like I'm being watched.

Maybe it's the doing two basically illegal things two days in a row with him. Alright, the coke is definitely illegal. But, I'm starting to feel a bit on edge.

He makes it sound like he could get himself out of any situation, and I know that he would protect me, but I don't feel as untouchable as him. If some shit like this goes on my permanent record, I'm fucked. I'd never get a good job.

Not more than 10 minutes passed, but it felt like way longer. Finally, Bawdy makes his way back to the car. When he pulls on the door, I immediately jump. Once I look and fully make sure that it is him, I unlock the car.

He tosses a bag casually onto my lap. "Put this in my backpack, would you?"

I do as he says and put the coke into his backpack. How much could one person possibly need?

On the way back to his place, I get jumpy any time that a song has anything sounding remotely close to sirens in it. I keep thinking that the police are going to come and find us for either what we did to Rose or for having the coke or for both. Songs should not be allowed to have sirens in them. It's freaking me out.

Another song comes on with sirens in it, so I turn down the volume, but it doesn't turn down the sound of the sirens. I let out a small shriek. My heart starts to race, and I can feel my palms getting sticky. My eyes dart around until I find the source of the noise.

Thank God that it's a police man on the other side of the median driving in the opposite direction. I let out a large exhale, but it's shaky.

"You good over there?" Bawdy asks while glancing over at me.

"What would happen if we got pulled over?"

"We won't."

"But what if we did."

"They can't just search the car with no reason. I'm going the speed limit. Trust me, I'd never let anything bad happen to you."

He puts his right hand on my thigh and squeezes. That helps to calm me, but I'm still a bit uneasy. I think that's one of the unfortunate traits that I picked up from my mom. She was always worried about my sister and I growing up, and I think I picked up on some of her traits as well as them being genetically inside of me.

I really should call her back. I know it's probably not making her feel any better when I've been avoiding her phone calls.

We pull back into Bawdy's apartment and go upstairs. Macy greets us with food, and I realize how hungry I am. I notice another woman sitting down at his kitchen table and Bawdy groans under his breath.

"Good, there you are," she says and Bawdy looks a bit annoyed.

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