Chapter 29

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I pull myself together as much as I can and soon enough Bawdy knocks on my door. I'm met with his worried face when I open the door. Fuck, he looks so hot. I can not let myself get distracted.

"Hey, baby girl, what's going on?" He asks while stepping in. He tries to lean in to give me a hug, but I step backwards. Not after his hands have been on other girls this past week.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" I say louder than I expected. Maybe I didn't get all of my anger out before.

"About what?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I'm not one of those bimbo sluts you love to go after."

His face is overcome with confusion. Dude should have been an actor for how well he's making it seem like he has no clue what is going on.

"Gianna, what are you talking about?"

I turn around and stomp towards my couch. "The fucking pictures. Did you think I wouldn't see you plastered across every tabloid?"

Bawdy rubs his fingers through his hair. I know he's nervously adjusting, but the motion still brings slight butterflies to my stomach. Why does he have to be so fucking hot.

"We've been over this." He sounds slightly irritated. "I can't keep repeating myself. You know that this is just part of me being famous. Girls want pictures."

I understand that. I really do. I'm trying to. "I get that, but do they really need to be sitting on your lap?"

Some realization comes across his face. "Listen, they ask for a picture and then sit down before even giving me a chance to stand up or adjust. I'm so used to it by this point. Should I just throw them onto the ground the next time?"

"I mean, no, don't do that. But what makes girls think that they can just do that?"

He almost laughs. "Are you telling me that months ago you wouldn't have been all giggly while drunk and wanting to sit on my lap to take a picture if you had the opportunity?"

I mean I'm not sure if I would have been bold enough to do that, but I certainly wouldn't have minded. Fuck, who am I kidding, I would have thrown myself at him then and still now if I wasn't so pissed.

He continues. "As I'm sure you saw, there were no videos of me dancing with girls or of them with me for a while. Because it was just a picture and then they went on with their lives. I feel nothing towards any of them. Didn't exchange contact information or anything. I'll probably never see them again."

He's right that I didn't see him all over the same girls the whole night. I pull open my phone and look back at some of the pictures, which still make my blood boil. I guess his hand is only lightly around them, basically hovering.

Shit, I might have overreacted about nothing.

"Sorry, you know I'm just not use to this."

"I know, but I really would appreciate you believing me when I say that I don't want other girls."

"But what about the one who you obviously brought back to your hotel and who you walked out in the morning. Explain that." I bet he can't explain it. The evidence is too strongly against him.

"Gianna," he says slowly. There it is. I've caught him. "You know our guitar player Kyler? Well, he pissed someone off and took a hard punch to his eye. Thing looks nasty. Anyways, he wanted to spend some time with the girl you saw in the pictures, but we don't need any more shit spreading about us getting in fights. So, all I did was help walk her in and then back out the next morning."

I stare at him blankly, the gears turning in my head. He looks like he's telling the truth. I want to believe him. I really do.

"Oh." That's all I manage to say.

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