Chapter 16

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Kennedy drops me off, since she needed to use her car to run some errands while I was at work. I didn't even tell Kennedy about my meeting with Hazel. The less I talk about it, the less real it feels, so I can't get more worried.

I draw in a large inhale before knocking on the door of Hazel's office.

"Come in," she says in a flat tone.

"Hi, Hazel, how are you today?" I ask, trying to act like this is just any other day.

"Fine, but I wanted to talk about what happened with the emergency back door last night."

"Okay," I reply not knowing if I'm supposed to start explaining what happened, but I still don't know what rendition of a story I even want to tell.

"Mallory says that you didn't come to the main desk to meet her to help with closing. And after looking at the security footage, it appears that you and that client of yours left about a half hour after store closing. Care to explain?"

Not really. Shit.

"Um, yes, I'm so sorry about that," I start apologizing. "I was finishing up with the client, and we were trying to pick out the perfect pictures, especially since he paid so much."

I cross my legs nervously. I think I delivered that well, but Hazel does not looked amused.

"Interesting, because when I was panning through the security footage, it looked like you and that man were doing a lot more than looking at photos."

Oh, fuck me. I had no idea there was a security camera in the photography room. I guess since it has so much equipment. I can't even process that my boss just saw me having sex. And not just some vanilla sex. Not that that would make the situation any less awkward.

"I- I'm so sorry. Didn't someone call to clear things up earlier?"

"Apparently the police and security were alerted shortly after not to worry about the alarm. Plus a bit of 'inconvenience' money was given out to the security guards on duty, apparently so they wouldn't look into the incident any more." So Bawdy did help to take care of the situation. "But, it seems like security forgot that any opening alerts also get sent to my email."

Now how was I supposed to know that. My mouth goes dry, and I try to swallow to prepare to say something. Anything. But I'm worried that if I open my mouth I'm going to start crying.

Hazel continues. "Listen, Gianna. You've been such a great worker, but I'm going to have to let you go effective immediately. I hate to be the one to put my foot down to someone as sweet as you, but that type of behavior is wildly inappropriate."

Please don't start crying.

"Hazel, I- I'm sorry." I feel the hot burn of tears challenging to exit my tear ducts. I don't have it in me to fight this. I don't even think I could show my face again here.

"So am I. I really saw such bright things for your future."

I nod a goodbye and hurry out the door, my pace quickening once I'm out of eyesight. I've just fucked myself so much losing this job. I can barely see through my built up tears as I call Kennedy to pick me up.

"Awh, Gianna, I'll be there as soon as I can." Kennedy left the cart that she had started adding to at Target and immedietly drove to get to me.

I recount what happened, tears now rolling down my cheeks.

"Well, fuck, Gianna. I didn't know you had that in you," Kennedy replies with wide eyes.

"Now I don't have a job," I whine, "and I'm hungry, and I don't want to lie in bed and cry all night, but I know I'm going to the second we get home."

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